COVID-19 home diagnosis: This medical service leaflet explains the basics

Need to know about the disease? Frequently asked questions are answered here in one place, freeing up emergency phone lines.

Raymond Johnston

Written by Raymond Johnston Published on 23.11.2020 11:34:00 (updated on 23.11.2020) Reading time: 2 minutes

Prague’s Medical Rescue Service has made a small leaflet to explain how to handle COVID-19 at home. For now it is only in Czech, but the online version is easily translated with web tools. It can also be downloaded. Printed copies will be available at public transport, collection points or office counters.

Local medical experts say there is still a lot of uncertainty among the public about the course of the COVID-19 disease and how to treat it at home. The three-page leaflet summarizes the existing information from professional sources in a clear form.

The procedures in the leaflet apply to the Prague. In other regions they may differ. The leaflet’s aim is to provide the public with clear information so the emergency phone lines can be freed-up for callers with serious health emergencies.

“Since January, we have cared for almost 4,000 patients with COVID-19 and performed over 8,000 home tests. We are always ready to help anyone who has serious health complications due to COVID-19, if they are not sure about the course of the disease or just scared,” Petr Kolouch, director of the Prague’s Medical Rescue Service (ZZS MHP), said.

“With the leaflet, we answer frequently asked questions compiled from callers to the 155 emergency phone line, and give patients or their loved ones clear instructions on how to deal with the usual course of the disease at home,” he added,

In addition to describing the most common symptoms, readers will find out how and who to call if someone at home gets COVID-19, and what treatment, quarantine or hygiene measures should be taken when more people live in the household. The leaflet also describes specific situations where it is appropriate to call the 155 emergency hotline, where callers will be advised by medical staff, or if rescue workers should be sent.

Detail of the new COVID-19 leaflet. (from Praha.EU)
Detail of the new COVID-19 leaflet. (from Praha.EU)

“We want to use the leaflet to help everyone who suspects they have coronavirus or for whom this diagnosis has been confirmed, and does not know what to do. How to set up housework to prevent the transmission of infection to other members, how to treat and alleviate symptoms, or when it is necessary to call an ambulance — we now offer all this clearly and in one place,” City Councilor Milena Johnová (Praha sobě), said.


“I firmly believe that this will not only help the sick and their families, but also make it easier for busy Prague rescuers and the entire health care system,” she added.

The leaflet describes the basic symptoms and how long they typically last. It also explains who to inform if you are infected, such as your health practitioner or a friend or neighbor who could help. There is also an online form to fill out.

The procedures for quarantine and hygiene measures for the home are explained. People cannot leave the home to go shopping, for example, and need to make other arrangements such as delivery.

Some basic treatments are outlined, but as there is currently no cure for the disease, doctors can prescribe some medicines to help with symptoms by sending an electronic prescription over the phone. There is no need to visit a doctor to get a prescription.

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