Britain to send military medics to Czech Republic in fight against COVID-19

Six Combat Medical Technicians from Britain will travel to the Czech Republic next week to assist the country with the current epidemic


Written by ČTK Published on 06.11.2020 12:56:00 (updated on 06.11.2020) Reading time: 1 minute

Prague, Nov 5 (CTK) - Britain will send six military medics to the Czech Republic, the British Embassy in Prague told journalists today.

The medics will arrive on Monday, the Embassy said.

Britain has complied with the Czech Republic's request for aid against COVID-19. At the moment, these will be six "Combat Medical Technicians" who are to arrive on Monday, according to the British Embassy.

It is up to the Czech Health Ministry to decide on the facilities in which they will work, the Embassy added.

On Sunday, two military doctors will also come to the Czech Republic from Germany. On Monday, they will start working at the intensive care unit of the Central Military Hospital in Prague, Defence Minister Lubomir Metnar (for ANO) has tweeted.

Germany has also offered the treatment of ten Czech patients within the programme Medevac if need be.

"This is a way in which to at least partly alleviate the pressure on our doctors and health personnel. The second wave of the pandemic is threatening the whole world. All the more I thank our allies for the offered aid," Metnar said.

Last week, Czech parliament approved the stay of up to 300 military medics from EU and NATO countries in the Czech Republic.

They can only stay for a maximum of 90 days. While staying in the Czech Republic, foreign soldiers will be unarmed and always operate in cooperation with the Czech medical staff.

The United States has also offered the assistance of military doctors and other medical professionals to the Czech Republic. Teams from the National Guards of Texas and Nebraska will arrive, 28 officers in total.

Along with military medics, the Czech Republic also been given material help such as lung ventilators from its allies. It has received them, either as a gift or a loan, from Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Netherlands and from the strategic reserves of the EU and NATO.

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