20 properties

Other commercial property for rent, 121m2

Sokolovská, Praha 8 - Karlín

42 350 CZK / month

Other commercial property for rent, 35m2

Odkolkova, Praha 9 - Vysočany

15 000 CZK / month, with agency fees, with legal services

Other commercial property for rent, 50m2

Hybernská, Praha 1 - Nové Město

35 000 CZK / month, with agency fees, with legal services

Other commercial property for rent, 45m2

Radimova, Praha 6 - Břevnov

32 000 CZK / month, with legal services

Other commercial property for rent, 16m2

náměstí 5. května, Hradec Králové

2 600 CZK / month

Other commercial property for rent, 12m2

Hybernská, Praha 1 - Nové Město

4 200 CZK / month

Other commercial property for rent, 20m2

Rybalkova, Praha 10 - Vršovice

15 000 CZK / month, with utility fees

Other commercial property for rent, 87m2

Střelničná, Praha 8 - Kobylisy

28 000 CZK / month, excluding utility fees

Other commercial property for rent, 416m2

Husovo nám., Beroun - Beroun-Centrum

Price for negotiation

Other commercial property for rent, 12m2

Tovární okruh, Hradec nad Moravicí

4 000 CZK / month, with agency fees

Other commercial property for rent, 1500m2

Sokolovská, Praha 8 - Libeň

675 000 CZK / month

Other commercial property for rent, 5000m2

K Bílému vrchu, Praha 9 - Horní Počernice

Price for negotiation

Other commercial property for rent, 130m2

Jičínská, Praha 3 - Vinohrady

44 200 CZK / month

Other commercial property for rent, 1450m2

Domažlická, Plzeň - Skvrňany

64 960 CZK / month

Other commercial property for rent, 413m2

Plynárenská, Brno - Zábrdovice

61 950 CZK / month