Where to Pick Strawberries in the Czech Republic

The Ministry of Agriculture has put together a map of locations where you can go strawberry picking throughout the country

Dave Park

Written by Dave Park Published on 23.06.2016 11:10:07 (updated on 23.06.2016) Reading time: 1 minute

Have you been strawberry picking in the Czech Republic?

Across the country, more than 70 strawberry farms let you pick your own berries and pay by the kilogram – usually 50% cheaper than you’d pay in a store.

The Czech Ministry of Agriculture recently put together a map of all the strawberry farms in the Czech Republic, together with a list of specific locations and pricing.

In Prague, two farms can be found in the Kunratice area (both charge 42 CZK per kilo and 72 CZK for pre-picked berries) with another in Uhříněves (50 CZK per kilo to pick your own).

Here’s the full map:

Image: Czech Ministry of Agriculture
Image: Czech Ministry of Agriculture

For a full list of locations, including contact details and prices of strawberries per kilogram, visit the website of the Ministry of Agriculture here.

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