President Zeman tests positive for Covid, returns to hospital

After being discharged on Thursday morning, the President was back under medical care later the same day.


Written by ČTK Published on 24.11.2021 16:06:00 (updated on 26.11.2021) Reading time: 2 minutes

UPDATE: Czech President Miloš Zeman tested positive for Covid-19 on Thursday evening and is now back in Prague's Central Military Hospital (ÚVN), his spokesman Jiří Ovčáček announced, adding that Zeman will suspend his work program during his hospital treatment. This means he will not appoint Petr Fiala prime minister on Friday.

Zeman had earlier in the day been discharged from ÚVN where he had been hospitalized since October 10 with an unspecified condition thought to be linked to liver problems. Zeman requested transferal to his Presidential manor at Lány, although doctors advised against the move.

Yet later that same day, Zeman tested positive for Covid. He has no symptoms of Cobid and he was hospitalized as a precaution. Zeman will receive monoclonal antibody treatment before remaining in hospital for observation.

Zeman's Covid test was carried out after he came into contact with a person who tested positive for the virus. Doctors said the risk contact was an employee at Lány. Zeman's new hospitalization means Petr Fiala will have to wait to take over control of the Czech Republic, throwing the formation of the next government once again into disarray.

Prague, Nov 24 (CTK) – Czech President Miloš Zeman will be released from Prague's Central Military Hospital (ÚVN) on Thursday morning, leaving for his presidential residence in Lány to the west of Prague.

The President’s release is planned by doctors, but still depends on the development of Zeman’s health condition. On Friday, Zeman is scheduled to name Petr Fiala (ODS) as the new Czech Prime Minister.

The Presidential Office has meanwhile called a press conference on Thursday afternoon, at which the leader of Zeman’s staff Vratislav Mynář will speak. Mynář is expected to speak about Zeman's hospitalization and the formation of the new government.

Zeman, 77, was taken to ÚVN on October 10 with an unspecified illness. It’s widely speculated that Zeman suffers from liver problems. At first, Zeman was hospitalized in an intensive care ward, before being recently transferred to a regular hospital bed.

The head of a medical council dealing with Zeman’s health, Tomáš Zima, recently said the President should remain in hospital for some time to come in order to recover his strength. But Zima said the final decision is up to Zeman himself. The President’s room in Lány will be equipped with similar equipment to that used in his hospital room.

It’s thought round-the-clock care from a doctor for the President will not be necessary, but regular checks will be carried out.

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