Nestpick, an international apartment finder, has released its 2017 Millennial Cities Ranking, defining “millennials” by their affinity with technology, entrepreneurial mindset, and revitalizing effect on cities.
For all these positive attributes, this demographic is also well-known for its great expectations, and doesn’t typically stay put in a location that fails to measure up, say pollsters.
Apparently, Prague meets the exacting standards of many a millennial. The Czech capitals ranks no. 19 overall on a list of 100 cities (with a score of 96.5) and no. 9 among cities with a million or more inhabitants.
Millennial-friendly cities were determined according to a number of factors, among them a “thriving business eco structure, affordable access to the essentials young people need to survive…[its] sense of openness and tolerance, and, lastly, [for] offering a chance for millennials to kick back and relax.”
“Millennials travel more at a younger age than any of their preceding generations; this gives them the possibility to find the perfect city for their personal needs,” said Ömer Kücükdere Managing Director at Nestpick.
“With aging populations cities must cater to the millennial demographic in order to sustain a thriving economy.”
Prague fared well in a number of categories: Housing (19), Employment (13), Food (11), Transport (10), Beer (9), Wi-Fi (6), Internet Speed (6), and Nightlife (5).
The Czech capital lagged behind other destinations in several areas including Immigration Tolerance (81) and Apple Store (61).
Second city Brno landed at no. 65 overall, ranking high in affordable Housing (9) and Food (10).