Prague Pride 2016 in Photos

Yesterday’s parade saw Old Town and the surrounding areas come to life with the colors of diversity Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 15.08.2016 09:19:50 (updated on 15.08.2016) Reading time: 1 minute

Prague Pride 2016 culminated in a Sunday parade attended by an estimated 40,000 people who came to march for the LGBT cause. Organizers thanked “all who came to support equal rights, freedom and the right to love for everyone,” while local photographer Leah Takata shared these festive photos of an event that has become one of the most highly anticipated summer outings in the Czech capital. For additional photos of the parade and Pride week, see these Prague Pride photo galleries.

Prague Pride 2016 in Photos

Prague Pride 2016 in Photos

Prague Pride 2016 in Photos

Prague Pride 2016 in Photos


Prague Pride 2016 in Photos

Prague Pride 2016 in Photos

Prague Pride 2016 in Photos

Prague Pride 2016 in Photos

Prague Pride 2016 in Photos

Prague Pride 2016 in Photos

Prague Pride 2016 in Photos

Prague Pride 2016 in Photos

Prague Pride 2016 in Photos

All photos courtesy of Leah Takata.

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