Pee-free from Prague to Poland: Czech dog urinals go global

Now patented, the clever invention, which prevents unwanted mess, works like a dog. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 26.05.2023 14:47:00 (updated on 26.05.2023) Reading time: 2 minutes

Anybody who lives in Prague – and Czechia in general – knows that dogs are very commonplace. Unfortunately, though, dog urine can be a persistent problem that stains buildings and sidewalks.

One clever Czech came up with a solution, writes. Ten years ago, František Tomeček decided to test a special “dog urinal” on his next walk – essentially a plastic bollard-like structure with holes in which the canine can urinate. This eliminates any spraying and mess.

Today this clever invention – protected by a patent and run by a company called "Dog Toilets" – is now cropping up in various European countries, including Poland and Hungary. It is even sold online in Canada.

An estimated 40 percent of people in Czechia say they have a dog in their household, according to In 2021, the number of household-owned dogs increased 15 percent year on year.

“Our product teaches breeders to be responsible. It is impossible for us to allow dogs to urinate in city centers and in busy housing estates," said Tomeček.

The bollard contains the smell of other dogs’ urine, which attracts the animals to approach, and urinate, inside it. The urine then makes its way to the soil on which the bollard stands.

The canine urinals are sold in two materials. The wooden version costs about CZK 700, whereas the more “luxurious” concrete model costs CZK 6,000.

A problem with poop

Prague has also long struggled with dog poo on its streets, with some districts announcing that they would take action. In 2019, Prague 3 announced it would provide more poo bags and containers for dog owners to clean up any mess. Then-mayor of Prague 3 Jiří Ptáček also threatened to increase the penalty for owners who leave dog poo unattended.

According to City Hall officials in Prague 8, dogs in that district produce around 180 tons of feces. Data from the first half of 2020 also shows authorities in Prague handing out 200 fines due to dog excrement. Prague 5, 2, 3, and 14 had the largest number of such misdemeanors.

With the problem of dog urine gradually being tackled, residents of Czechia may now be eagerly awaiting a similar invention that deals with dogs' feces.

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