Number of dogs registered in Prague jumps; Ben and Max roll over as the most popular names

The city at the end of 2020 had over 4,100 more dogs than a year earlier, with Prague 4 and 6 having the highest number; mixed breeds are most popular.

Raymond Johnston

Written by Raymond Johnston Published on 04.08.2021 13:15:00 (updated on 26.08.2021) Reading time: 2 minutes

The number of registered dogs in the Prague has been growing in recent years, according to to data from the Department of Trade Licensing and Civil Administration of the City of Prague. At the end of last year, a total of 90,183 dogs and 82,949 owners were registered.

In 2020, there were 7,272 dogs newly registered in the capital, and 3,122 were de-registered, for a net gain of 4,150. This is not surprising, as during the pandemic lockdowns, walking a dog was one of the approved ways of being outside, especially after curfew. Interest in dog ownership increased not only in Prague, but worldwide.

In total, according to the current data, there are 90,183 dogs, while least year there were 86 033 dogs were reported in Prague.

In almost all districts, the number of registered dogs has increased compared to the previous period. The highest number of dogs is now reported in Prague 4, with 8,894, followed by Prague 6, where 7,651 of these four-legged pets live, and 7,038 in Prague 10. In Prague 1, which now tends to cater to tourists more than residents, there are just 1,600 dogs registered.

In the distribution by sex, female dogs are slightly predominant, with 45,343, while the number of males is 44,522. The most common type of dog owned by a Prague resident is a crossbreed, accounting for 19,865. Of specific breeds, Yorkshire terriers lead at 8,429, followed by dachshunds at 4,996, and Labrador retrievers at 3,931.

Ben is still the most common name among Prague dogs, with 2,052 of them running around the city, followed by Max and Bety.

Under the law, all dogs in Prague must be registered, and owners have to pay an annual tax, which varies in different city districts and also according to the type of residence. Penalties for not paying the tax can be up to three times the original fee, and much higher if the case goes into disciplinary procedures. There are some other details, such as a temporary tax exemption for dogs rescued from animal shelters.

At the beginning of 2020, a generally binding decree came into force in Prague that no longer provides for tattooing dogs, but only for marking them with identity chips. This applies to any dog over six months old. However, this amendment is not a significant change for the residents of Prague, as chipping has long been preferred. Currently, 78,513 dogs have been marked with a microchip, 6,383 with a tattoo, and 5,287 with both a microchip and a tattoo.

In 2020, Prague was ranked in as the fourth-best city to own a dog in Berlin-based insurance startup Coya. Prague fared well in its number of dog-friendly restaurants and hotels, ans also for the low cost of raising a dog. The city didn’t rank well for cleaning up after dogs, though, which has been an issue for some time.

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