Over 134,000 Czechs sign new Million Moments for Democracy appeal

The new Czech civic appeal of the Million Moments for Democracy group, which was released online on Saturday and declares what its supporters want from politicians


Written by ČTK Published on 19.11.2019 05:00:40 (updated on 19.11.2019) Reading time: 2 minutes

Prague, Nov 18 (CTK) – The new Czech civic appeal of the Million Moments for Democracy group, which was released online on Saturday and declares what its supporters want from politicians, the state and themselves as citizens, has been signed by more than 134,000 people until now.

Million Moments says its appeal, presented at end of the demonstration in Prague-Letna in which more than 250,000 people participated on Saturday, is positive and unrelated to particular politicians.

The group would like its wishes to come true not only during the current rule of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš (ANO) and President Milos Zeman, but also in future. It says it would be happy if 150,000 people signed the appeal.

Babiš said he was not astonished at so many people having signed the appeal.

“Everyone could sign it. I would gladly sign the general principles, too,” Babiš told the server Novinky.cz.

“I respect democratic rules and institutions, I do not tell any lies, I do not steal and I am not facing any conflict of interest under the lex Babiš, with which I have complied,” he added.

Million Moments then said it would make it possible for Babiš to sign it after he starts observing its content or starts respecting democratic rules and institutions, stops telling lies and apologises for all his past lies and perjury and after he stops draining the subsidies which are not for him and his “agricultural empire.”

There is also the condition that Babiš should resolve his “tremendous conflict of interest,” which implies selling his Agrofert including the media and dismissing Justice Minister Marie Benesova (for ANO), the association said.

He should also set down the upper limit of subsidies for agromoguls and giant farms. “The best thing Andrej Babiš can do to fulfil our appeal is to resign,” Million Moments said.

It repeated that if Babiš does not do so by the end of the year, it will announce the date and way of more protests on January 7.

“The more people sign the appeal, the bigger and better watchdog of politicians we may become. The better we may defend democracy. The bigger the general positive impact of our moments on our whole society will be,” the group’s head Mikulas Minar said.

The appeal declares that its signatories want politicians who respect democratic rules and institutions, do not lie, steal or threaten, and are not in a conflict of interest. They also want their country to be free, fair and environment-friendly and in which everybody can live a happy and dignified life. Its signatories declare that they want to be interested in their fellow citizens, in the situation in society and bear a part of their responsibility for it.

The Million Moments website also presents a list of various civic activities that may positively influence the atmosphere in society, such as following trustworthy media, leading a dialogue, participation in events of public interests or demonstrations, creating local communities and support for nongovernmental organisations.

Apart from the fresh appeal, Million Moments still has its petition calling on the resignation of PM Babiš. This petition started on February 25, 2018 and its aim was to gather one million signatures under the demand. It has been signed by 433,000 people.

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