Moving to Prague Checklist!

Full checklist before you start moving Staff

Written by Staff Published on 26.07.2004 21:39:00 (updated on 26.07.2004) Reading time: 3 minutes

Six Weeks Before Move:

  • Call removal firms for moving estimate.
  • Check that your passports and visas are valid.
  • Remove all items from basement, storage sheds, attics, and plan a garage sale or charity donation for all items that you don’t want to move.
  • Make a list of all people/organizations to contact about change of address.
  • Get copies of (or arrange for transfer at both ends of move) all school, medical, dental, veterinary, legal, and accounting records.
  • If it’s a company move, check with your employer to find out what moving expenses they will cover.
  • Locate and obtain all automobile licensing and registration information.

Four Weeks Before Move:

  • Get an itemized list of all moving related costs and review with mover, including packing, loading, special charges, insurance, vehicles (if needed), etc.
  • Contact all current and new location utility companies (gas, water, electric, cable TV, phone & trash collection) to set connect/disconnect dates. Remember to keep current utilities hooked up until move day.
  • Make arrangements for relocation of pets and plants.
  • Move valuables to a safe deposit box to prevent loss during move.
  • If a professional mover is packing your goods, schedule packing day(s) 1 or 2 days before move.
  • Prepare any mowers, snow blowers, boats, snowmobiles (or other vehicles you won’t be using before the move) for the move by servicing and draining gas and oil, to prevent a moving van fire.

Three Weeks Before Move:

  • Make travel arrangements for family for moving trip, allow for unexpected delays and cash needs that often occur in moves and house closings.
  • Collect all-important papers (insurance, wills, deeds, stocks, etc.).
  • Arrange to close all local bank accounts and open new ones in new location.

Two Weeks Before Move:

  • Prepare auto(s) for trip to new home. Check tires and have vehicles serviced.
  • Terminate newspaper and other delivery services at old address.
  • Give away all plants you don’t intend to move.
  • If you’re moving out of a building with elevators, arrange with management for use of elevators on moving day.
  • Schedule appliance disconnections on moving day or the day before the move, if necessary.
  • Contact your moving company to confirm all arrangements for your move.
  • Withdraw contents of any safe deposit boxes, return library books & rental videotapes, pick up any dry cleaning, etc.

One Week Before Move:

  • Defrost refrigerator/freezer.
  • Make plans for the care of small children on moving day.
  • Transfer or withdraw all funds from local banks.
  • Separate cartons and luggage items that you need for personal travel so that they don’t get packed on the truck.
  • Pack a box of items you will need immediately upon arrival at your new home and have movers put this box on last (clearly mark box as PACK THIS LAST or UNPACK THIS FIRST) or take it with you.
  • Have appliances disconnected and prepared for move.
  • Notify friends and neighbours of new address and phone number (if available).
  • Fill any necessary prescriptions and medications needed for the next two weeks.
  • Do NOT disconnect your telephone until the day after loading.

Moving Day:

  • Plan on spending the entire day at the house with movers. Don’t leave until the movers have gone.
  • Relax and let the professional moving company do the work.
  • Record all utility meter readings (gas, electric, water).
  • Stay with the moving van driver to oversee inventory of goods.
  • Give the moving van driver directions to your new home and numbers where you can be reached prior to delivery.
  • Review carefully and sign bill of lading and inventory, and keep your copy in a safe place until all charges have been paid and all claims (if any) have been settled.
  • Make final walk-through of house, including basement, attic and closets, to make sure it’s empty.
  • Lock all windows and doors, and drop off keys with Realtor, neighbour or new owner.

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