Laying it all bare: Naked Attraction dating show now casting for Czechia

The raunchy reality dating show, popular in the UK and Poland, sees contestants get naked in an effort to find a future partner. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 22.03.2024 15:30:00 (updated on 22.03.2024) Reading time: 2 minutes

Czech television channel ÓČKO has announced that it has acquired the rights to hold and broadcast the unique dating show Naked Attraction for the first time in Czechia. The program, which runs in the UK, Germany, Poland, and other countries, sees participants go fully nude as they try to find their date.

"This program offers a refreshing alternative to traditional dating methods, such as endless correspondence and unpleasant surprises in the bedroom," explained ÓČKO program director Alexandr Guha.

In the UK version of the dating show, a “picker” selects between six fully nude contestants in boxes, who are gradually revealed from the feet up. After some conversation, the picker selects their favorite person, and the pair embarks on a (clothed) date. Contestants do not receive payment for participating. Episodes end with a review of how the new pair fared after a few weeks; the couples evaluate the date and let viewers know if anything came of the pairing.

“The naked dating site emphasizes not only physical attractiveness but also mutual chemistry and personality without the crutches of clothes, online filters, or staged photos,” describes ÓČKO.

As well as hosting heterosexual singles, Naked Attraction also pairs up people from the LGBTQ+ community.

"Spring is all about hooking up, dating, and flirting, so we have launched the first round of casting,” said Guha. Keen (and brave) members of the public may now apply to be on the show by filling out an online questionnaire. “What is your best body part?”, “Do you have any unusual physical features?” and “Do you think you will be confident when you are naked and others are evaluating your body?” are some of the questions that producers want to know.

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The show, which has already aired over 250 episodes from different countries’ versions (such as from Poland) on the ÓČKO network, is most popular among single men with a university education.


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The show, which first launched in 2016, has also made its way to Sweden, the Netherlands, Italy, Norway, Spain, Denmark, and other countries. Last year, the nude dating program also became the number-one streamed reality show on the U.S. HBO Max streaming platform. British actress Emma Stone has previously said she was "obsessed" with the program and referred to it as the "greatest show in existence."

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