Know the Czech lands, know yourself: New hiking trail connects Řip-Blaník pilgrim route

A nearly 300-kilometer-long route through Czech landmarks around Prague has been officially inaugurated by the Cesta Česka association. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 02.10.2022 14:26:00 (updated on 02.10.2022) Reading time: 2 minutes

A nearly 300-kilometer long pilgrimage route that touches upon Czech landmarks both natural and man-made has opened between the mythical Řip and Blaník mountains outside of Prague. The new route was ceremoniously unveiled to the public by the Cesta Česka (Czech Travels) association on September 28 at Dobřichovice Castle.

The Říp-Blaník pilgrimage route consists of four stages that follow a circular path across Bohemian locales west of Prague. The motto of the new route is "know the Czech lands and know yourself."

The route begins at the Romanesque Rotunda of St. George and St. Vojtěcha on Mount Říp and ends at the top of Velký Blaník. Stops along the way include Libušín, Křivoklát, Beroun, Svatý Jan pod Skalou, Karlštejn, Dobřichovice, Kamýk nad Vltavou, Prčice, and Miličín.

Along the way, hikers can learn about the Czech lands through 80 info points placed by the Czech Tourists Club. QR codes at the info points direct travelers to more information about the locations online.

According to Cesta Česka, the route in its entirety can be completed in 12 days, but those who aren't up for a nearly two-week journey can hike portions of it step-by-step. It connects to another pilgrimage route that runs from Blaník to Řip east of Prague, completing a circle around the Czech capital.

"We organized the grand opening on the day of Czech statehood on the feast of St. Václav with the participation of representatives of information centers, municipalities and cities, partners and supporters of the association" Jindřich Chmelař, chairman of the Cesta Česka association, says in a press release.

"The pilgrimage route is now open to the general public and we cordially invite everyone to it. It can be completed in its entirety in approximately twelve days, but it can also be completed step by step."

"The Pilgrimage Route Říp-Blaník is the second route of its kind in the Czech Republic and directly follows the Pilgrimage Route Blaník-Říp, which runs east of Prague. This is how we close an imaginary circle around Prague."

More information about the new pilgrimage route can be found on the website of Cesta Česka, where travelers can find detailed information on the individual stages of route, including accommodation and dining options along the way.

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