Jaromir Jagr Turns 45 Today, One Goal Shy of NHL Scoring Record

The celebrated ice-hockey winger could soon be the only player in history behind Wayne Gretzky to reach 1,900 points

Expats.cz Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by Expats.cz StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 15.02.2017 11:16:17 (updated on 15.02.2017) Reading time: 1 minute

Hockey great—and internet cult hero—Jaromir Jagr turns 45 today with a number of impressive records to his credit in 2016 alone.

The Kladno-native is just one goal short of 1,900, which would make him the second player in history behind Wayne Gretzky (2,857) to reach that staggering number.

At 45, Jagr, often referred to as the “ageless wonder,” shows no signs of slowing down and has indicated multiple times to the media that he won’t retire until he’s at least 50.

His Florida Panthers teammates credit Jagr’s “old-fashioned Czech workouts” with giving him his legendary endurance.

That workout is said to include jumping from one end of a hallway to another while jumping from one foot to the next, putting a barbell weight on the blade of his stick and moving it back and forth to build forearm and wrist strength, and regular midnight training sessions.

The ice-hockey winger has said he’ll play as long as possible in the NHL and then probably return to play in the Czech Republic.

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