Interactive map: A new tool released by the Czech government clarifies COVID-19 travel rules

The clickable map outlines travel conditions to and from countries throughout the world and includes important links to embassies and more

Elizabeth Zahradnicek-Haas

Written by Elizabeth Zahradnicek-Haas Published on 09.06.2020 11:17:40 (updated on 09.06.2020) Reading time: 1 minute

Earlier this month the Czech Ministry of Health issued a “traffic-light map” classifying individual European countries by infection risk and the rules for re-entry into the Czech Republic from these countries.

Foreign Minister Tomáš Petříček said in a Tweet last week, “I would like to specify that the so-called security traffic light approved by the government does not inform the public about whether it is possible to travel to the country from 15 June. It tells you how high the risk of COVID-19 is.”

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In an effort to clarify travel information, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a new interactive map on its website yesterday. The map, Mapa cestovatele #COVID19, shows the conditions for entering and returning from countries around the world, reports Czech daily news server

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Currently, the map contains information on conditions for re-entry to the Czech Republic as of June 15, when the Czech Republic will implement its “traffic light” strategy to determine the degree of infection risk from individual countries.

Each clickable entry on the map indicates the risk of coronavirus infection, as well as restrictions on entering or returning from the given country. The map also allows direct access to the websites of Czech embassies in individual countries, which contain useful information for travelers.

For European countries, information on how the conditions for travel will change after June 15 — the date by which most European Union countries want to open their internal borders, as agreed by EU interior ministers last week — is also included.

The map will be continuously updated as the coronavirus pandemic develops. At press time the information given on the map is only available in Czech.

On June 17, will be hosting a Facebook live devoted to summer travel. If you have questions about summer travel for one of our experts, send them to

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