Czechia could see its first snowfall this weekend

In the coming days, temperatures will drop to lows of minus one degree, then return to monthly averages in December. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 16.11.2022 13:41:00 (updated on 18.11.2022) Reading time: 1 minute

With reports of significant drops in temperature moving across Central Europe, meteorologists are predicting that the first flakes could fly in the region by Friday. According to, a similar shift toward colder weather is also expected in Czechia with a band of snow forecast through the weekend.

Before you pull out your sleds, note that while the "snow belt" moving in from Hamburg and Berlin should reach the Czech Republic on Thursday and Friday as well, it'll only bring snowflakes to the mountain tops of North Bohemia before petering out at end of the week.

The temperature drop will be most extreme in the Czech mountains, where on Saturday temperatures peaked at 15 degrees in some places, but are set to drop to highs that are 17 degrees colder on the weekend.

The cold spell won't last long, with lower temperatures felt only until the beginning of Advent, which falls on Nov. 27 this year. This period could see freezing nights when temperatures drop to minus three degrees Celsius.

Meteorologists predict that December will actually be warmer than average, as confirmed by the long-term forecast of the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute for the period from Nov. 14 to Dec. 11.

As a whole, these four weeks should see average temperatures. The long-term average temperature at this time in the Czech Republic is 2.3 degrees Celsius.

Prague's road administration is certainly ready for snow, judging by its tweet from early November. "Despite the beautiful autumn weather, preparations for the entire winter season are now at their peak. We will also provide winter maintenance on 2,185 kilometers during this period."

Earlier this month, locations in the Czech Republic's Krkonoše mountain range reported light snowfall and below-freezing temperatures.

Last year Prague saw its first significant snowfall of the season on Dec. 4.

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