Coronavirus update, June 11, 2021: Six centers in Prague will vaccinate those with private insurance

Vaccination centers in Prague will be begin offering dates in the middle of June, other regions have already started; some sites will not accept cash. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 11.06.2021 09:37:00 (updated on 11.06.2021) Reading time: 6 minutes

Six centers in Prague will vaccinate those with private insurance

People who do not have public health insurance in the Czech Republic or the European Union and have been residing in the Czech Republic for a long time can now register in the Czech Republic for vaccination against coronavirus. In each region, at least one vaccination site will be designated for this population group. There will be six of them in Prague: O2 Universum, Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka, Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice, Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice, Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady, and Nemocnice na Homolce.

"We are making vaccines available to another group of people. For example, foreigners from third countries who live and work in the Czech Republic for a long time, but pay for their health insurance at home. However, this also applies to citizens who work abroad and pay for health insurance in that country, but regularly return to the Czech Republic. And there are not a negligible number of these people. If we want to achieve collective immunity as soon as possible, we must expand vaccination as much as possible," Health Minister Adam Vojtěch said.

Most places in the regions are ready to open the dates for vaccinations immediately, the Prague centers will list them in the second half of June. Interested parties can register through the Central Registration System, where a separate application form is at They will pay on the spot for the vaccine and its application themselves, the price will be CZK 810. Those interested in vaccination should have with them a document to verify their identity, a document to verify their residence permit in the Czech Republic (does not apply to Czech citizens), a payment card or cash (some vaccination centers only accept payment by card on the spot). More information, in Czech, can be found here.

Lower house calls on govt. to recognise foreign vaccinations

The House Foreign Affairs Committee called on the government to apply the same conditions to Czech citizens who were vaccinated in third countries against Covid-19 with vaccines approved by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and certified in the Czech Republic as to citizens vaccinated in the Czech Republic. Czech Republic. The committee approved a resolution on the proposal of ODS MP Jana Černochová. She said that many Czech citizens as well as diplomats were struggling with the fact that the Czech Republic has not yet recognized the validity of their vaccination against that they underwent abroad, even in the case of vaccines certified here.

“This is not only illogical but also discriminatory. It is absurd that vaccinated citizens have to continue to be tested or even undergo further vaccinations when they return to their homeland,” Černochová said.


Apartment for rent, 1+KK - Studio, 26m<sup>2</sup>

Apartment for rent, 1+KK - Studio, 26m2

Silurská, Praha 5 - Hlubočepy

Apartment for rent, 1+KK - Studio, 30m<sup>2</sup>

Apartment for rent, 1+KK - Studio, 30m2

K metru, Praha 5 - Třebonice

Apartment for rent, 1+KK - Studio, 32m<sup>2</sup>

Apartment for rent, 1+KK - Studio, 32m2

Šimáčkova, Praha 7 - Holešovice

Previously, people vaccinated abroad were told they needed to be vaccinated again in the Czech Republic in order to get certification. Health experts, though, say the effects of four doses of vaccine have not been tested and double vaccinate is unwise. The Czech Republic currently does recognize vaccination certificates from most countries outside of the EU.

Study: No coronavirus found in Prague’s public transit

Scientists from the Czech Academy of Sciences have found that using public transport has been safe during a pandemic, but measures need to be followed. Of the 558 specimens taken during the peak of the pandemic, none were infectious. Two months ago scientists from the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences took samples from various surfaces and from the air in trams, metro, buses and metro stations in cooperation with the Prague Public Transport Company (DPP).

"A number of foreign studies show that public transport is not a source of Covid. Unfortunately, such a study by a renowned medical authority in the Czech Republic does not exist. We often come across the opinion that public transport is a place where passengers can become infected. We are convinced that public transport is safe," Daniel Šabík, head of the DPP communication department, said when the study began.

Indian coronavirus variant confirmed in five cases in Nový Bor

The delta variant of coronavirus, also known as the Indian variant, was confirmed in the Nový Bor district in the Liberec region in five people. However, there are only a few occasional increases in new cases, Liberec Hygiene Station spokeswoman Zuzana Balašová said. The infectious Indian variant was confirmed by a laboratory in Dresden by a sequencing method. "Given that the anti-epidemic measures were set immediately when the variant was suspected, confirmation of the variant does not mean any change in the implemented measures," Balašová said. In the region, hygienists, in cooperation with police officers, have increasingly focused on complying with government measures in restaurants, schools and companies. Some events in which a larger number of visitors were expected were also canceled, and more are being tested in the region than elsewhere.

Babiš: Govt. tasked Bulovka to run field hospital, must cover costs

Prague's Bulovka hospital last autumn was ordered by the Health Ministry to finance the maintenance of the field hospital in Prague-Letňany, and if it does not have the necessary 90 million crowns, it will have to be paid by the Finance Ministry, Prime Minister Andrej Babiš said. According to his information, the price of the renting of the exhibition halls in the Letňany exhibition halls on the northern outskirts of Prague had been negotiated with the owner by the Health Ministry, and the Bulovka teaching hospital was ordered to secure the project. The field hospital was established as a reserve in case standard hospitals got overcrowded with Covid-19 cases amid the pandemic, but it never started to operate before being dismantled in February. On Wednesday, Bulovka's spokesman Filip Řepa said the Finance Ministry has rejected the hospital's application for reimbursement of the costs linked to the field hospital project. The ministry argued that the costs are part of the contract between Bulovka and ABF, the private owner of the Letňany exhibition halls, and recommended that Bulovka address its application to the Health Ministry.

Retirement home closed due to outbreak

Due to a coronavirus outbreak, a retirement home in Velké Hamry in the Jablonec district has been closed. One of the clients had already succumbed to the disease, although he had been vaccinated against Covid-19 at the beginning of the year. The infection was also detected in another client, and a worker is also infected. She refused vaccinations and is appreciably the one who apparently infected the clients. It turns out that unvaccinated workers are the biggest risk in social and medical facilities, the director of the home, Čestmír Skrbek, told ČTK  

EU seizes millions of defective pandemic protection items

The European Union has seized 52 million defective Covid-19 products, such as face masks, test kits or disinfectants since the start of the pandemic. The European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) has also identified more than 1,000 economic operators in the context of a pandemic, according to a report published by the European Anti-Fraud Office..

Incidence number drops to 16, R number hits 0.72

The epidemic continues to weaken. Tests for coronavirus on Thursday confirmed 190 new cases, a week ago it was over 400, according to Health Ministry data Compared to Wednesday, the increase is lower by about 60 cases. The incidence number also continues to fall, with fewer than 16 infected per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days. It is the highest in the South Bohemian and Liberec regions with 28 cases. The underproduction number R number fell to 0.72, meaning the pandemic is continuing to recede. For about two weeks, the daily number of deaths from covid-19 has remained below 10. From the countries of the European Union, the Czech Republic is now in 16th place with 13 deaths per million inhabitants in two weeks. The worst off in this respect is Greece, with 47 deaths per million in 14 days, according to data from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).

Latest Covid-19 data from the Czech Ministry of Health (June 11, 2021)

  • New cases 190
  • Deaths 30,219
  • Currently hospitalized 228
  • PCR tests performed 7,534,920
  • Antigen tests performed 18,992,758
  • Total vaccinations 6,303,694
  • Daily increase in vaccinations 89,698
  • People who have completed vaccination 1,968,315
  • New cases per 100,000 in seven days 16
  • PES index 26
  • R number 0.72

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