Everything you need to know about flu shots in Czechia

As cold and flu season descends on Czechia, when to get a shot, what it contains, and how to bolster your immunity for the long winter months ahead.

Julie O'Shea

Written by Julie O'Shea Published on 19.10.2023 09:21:00 (updated on 06.03.2024) Reading time: 2 minutes

Everything you need to know about flu shots in Czechia - when to get them, what the EU versions of the shots contain, and how to boost your immunity as a means of prevention. 

Up to 10 percent of adults fall victim to this highly contagious – and sometimes deadly – virus each year. Canadian Medical wants to help make sure you aren’t part of the annual statistics.  

There is nothing quite as miserable as being cooped up in bed with a stuffy nose, relentless dry cough, high fever, chills, joint pain, nausea and debilitating fatigue.  

At one point or another, we’ve all been there. Typically, the flu goes away on its own with rest, plenty of fluids, a lighter diet and over-the-counter remedies from your local pharmacy. 

However, Dr. Naďa Klocoková, an internist at Canadian Medical warns the flu should not be underestimated, because it can lead to unwanted complications, most often influenza-like pneumonia, especially in very young children, pregnant women, the elderly, and chronically ill people. In very severe cases, some patients can even have heart attacks, resulting in death.

Canadian Medical physicians agree: the best way to keep you and your family safe this season is to get a flu shot, which can be administered by your general practitioner. EU countries use vaccines with three types of killed flu viruses – two influenza type A viruses and one influenza B virus. “The exact composition is adjusted every year according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, so that it corresponds as closely as possible to the currently circulating strains,” explains Klocoková. 

It’s ideal to get vaccinated before the beginning of the flu season, which in the Czech Republic runs approximately from December to March. Vaccines are usually available by the second half of September. You can hold off and wait to get vaccinated until the start of the flu season, but keep in mind that protection does not set in until 14 days after your shot, Klocoková adds.

“The flu shot is suitable for everyone. It is especially recommended for people with reduced immunity to infections and people who are expected to have a more severe course of a possible infection. So mainly for seniors over 65, diabetics, patients with chronic lung, liver, kidney disease, oncology patients or patients with other immune disorders,” says Klocoková. “It is certainly advisable to vaccinate people who could transmit the flu virus to vulnerable individuals, even if they are not in the risk group themselves – that is, the staff of medical or social facilities.”

Treating the flu has become more difficult in recent years thanks to Covid, which presents with very similar symptoms, and doctors are advising the public to stay hyper vigilant about their health and immunity. 

As temperatures cool and fall sets in, people generally become more susceptible to respiratory viruses. Canadian Medical stresses the importance of keeping your immunity up by staying active, taking vitamin supplements, eating foods rich in antioxidants and avoiding stress – your health’s worst enemy.

This article was written in cooperation with Canadian Medical. Read more about our partner content policies here.

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