Prague pubs and restaurants are finding new ways around current pandemic restrictions

Czech Minister of Health Jan Blatný is evaluating the legality of venues providing outdoor tables for food and drink consumption

Samantha Tatro

Written by Samantha Tatro Published on 04.11.2020 11:07:00 (updated on 04.11.2020) Reading time: 2 minutes

Pubs and restaurants in Prague are finding creative new ways to circumvent the Czech government's pandemic restrictions.

Spots that offer take-out windows have also begun to set up tables and chairs in front of the windows so people can eat their food right away, according to a report in iDnes.

Running a restaurant garden area with outdoor seating is prohibited, according to current restrictions.

However, if there are tables in front of the restaurant not officially serviced by the venue, people can consume their food or drinks there while maintaining social distancing rules, according to the Ministry of Health.

Jízdárna fast food restaurant in Prague 7 on October 24, 2020. Photo by Jason Pirodsky.
Jízdárna fast food restaurant in Prague 7 on October 24, 2020. Photo by Jason Pirodsky.

"In the case of a catering service establishment, the sale of food is only possible through the dispensing window, so it is not possible for the operator to operate a garden for this purpose. However, if there is a seating area at this establishment, it is possible for people to use it for the purpose of consuming food," Kryštof Berka, a spokesman for the Ministry of Health, told

Berka also confirmed that people can in fact sit at these tables in front of the restaurant to eat and drink their food after purchasing it.

"With the exception of alcoholic beverages, the drinking of which is prohibited in public places," he added.

Pubs and restaurants aware of this loophole have started to set out tables in front of their windows -- even when they're not normally there. The Minister of Health, Jan Blatný, has said he's looking into the legality of this.

"From a legal point of view, the situation is such that someone has set up a garden in order to be able to sell through the take-away window and offer people a place to sit down and consume purchased snacks. This is in conflict with the regulation," Blatný said.

Police, on the other hand, have inspected several pubs during the day and did not find any violations of pandemic measures. Police determined there was no violation because the people were only sitting at the tables out front waiting for their food.

Jízdárna fast food restaurant in Prague 7 on October 24, 2020. Photo by Jason Pirodsky.
Jízdárna fast food restaurant in Prague 7 on October 24, 2020. Photo by Jason Pirodsky.

"Nevertheless, police officers have repeatedly warned and warn both staff and customers about the ban on eating food in the front garden and under the conditions of compliance with all other emergency measures," said Prague City Police Spokeswoman Irena Seifertová. 

Seifertová told iDnes that there's no single rule for how to handle offenses like this.

"In simple terms, there is no single rule. At the time of resolving the misdemeanor (violation), the police officer acts as an official on the basis of administrative discretion, in whose official conduct no one can enter and interfere in any way," she said.

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