Czech Republic coronavirus restrictions: What changes this week?

Make sure to bookmark this article, as we'll update new restrictions when they are announced. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 29.10.2020 13:38:00 (updated on 05.05.2022) Reading time: 28 minutes

Last updated: May 5, 2022 – Here's a complete breakdown of all the pandemic restrictions now in place in Prague and the Czech Republic. We'll update this article each time new restrictions are announced.

Latest COVID Statistics

Confirmed cases on 15.02.2025: +8

Active cases: 568

Currently hospitalized: 20

Tests yesterday: 74

Vaccinations yesterday: 0

Confirmed cases total: 4 829 571

Recovered total: 4 785 149

Vaccinated total: 6 981 116

Tests total: 22 771 497

Deaths total: 43 854

COVID 19 - New cases for last
Data valid as of 19:28:02 16.02.2025

May 5, 2022

The state of pandemic alert has ended. Respirators are no longer required in social and health care facilities. PCR tests are only covered by insurance if ordered by a doctor.

April 14

Respirators are no longer required in public transit. They are now only required in health and social care facilities.

March 14

Respirators: Wearing a respirator will be required in public transport, such as trains, buses, taxis, and chairlift cabins. They will also be compulsory in the homes for the elderly, the disabled, and those with dementia. Exemptions remain for pre-school children, persons with diminished intellect and mental capabilities, hospitalized people, public transport drivers, and those with a medical certificate saying their health condition prevents it. No protection of the respiratory tract will be compulsory anywhere else.  

Hospitals: Visitors no longer have to show proof of vaccination or a recent Covid test to visit a hospital or social facility. There are no more restrictions on attending birth. Covid testing for unvaccinated employees at health care facilities also ends.  

March 1

There will be no limits on the size of either seated or standing events, but current mask requirements still apply.

Feb. 19, 2022

The number of people who can attend events will increase, but respirators must still be worn indoors.

  • Seated participants: Can be at 1,000 plus up to 50 percent of the capacity of the venue for cultural and sports events, conventions, lectures, and similar events.
  • Standing participants: Events where people are not seated can have up to 500 people. The previous limit was 100.

Feb. 15, 2022

The validity of certificates for the two-dose Covid vaccine or its single-jab equivalent is reduced to nine months for adults. To extend the validity, people will need to get a booster shot.  

Feb. 10, 2022

Following a Supreme Administrative Court verdict, the government decided to eliminate the need to prove vaccination or recovery for almost all domestic purposes. Certificates are still needed for international travel in many cases. The change will take effect at midnight between Feb. 9 and Feb. 10.

  • Culture: People no longer have to show vaccination certificates or proof of recovery to enter cultural, sports, or other events. The limits for the number of participants remain in effect.
  • Hospitality: People no longer have to show vaccination certificates or proof of recovery to enter restaurants, pubs, clubs, or casinos, or stay at hotels or other accommodation facilities.
  • Respirators: People are still obliged to wear respirators in indoor spaces.

Dec. 29, 2021

New rules are in effect to limit celebrations for the new year. They will be in force until at least Jan. 2, 2022.

  • Restaurants: Only four people will be allowed to sit at a single restaurant or bar table, instead of the previous six. This rule does not apply to members of the same household, however. Larger tables can contain larger groups as long as a distance of 1.5 meters is maintained between separate groups of four.
  • Parties: A maximum of 50 people are allowed to attend parties or celebrations, defined as public or private events in which people gather in a single location. These may include, but are not limited to, dances, festivals, house parties, parades, tastings, celebrations, and pilgrimages.
  • Mass events: There is a maximum capacity of 1,000 seated people, with Covid vaccination or proof of recovery required for all attendees. Organizers must in all cases check certificates by scanning QR codes.

Dec. 27, 2021

  • State of emergency: The Czech Republic's state of emergency has ended as of December 26, though many restrictions remain in effect. Changes are outlined below.
  • Christmas markets: Markets may now open, though it's unlikely that those that had previously been closed will reopen after the holidays.
  • Nightlife: The restriction on opening hours of pubs, restaurants, and nightclubs is no longer in effect. Patrons must still present proof of vaccination or recovery (with some previously stated exceptions).
  • Alcohol: The consumption of alcohol in public is no longer prohibited.
  • New Year's celebrations: From December 29 through January 2, a maximum of 50 people will be able to attend events, parties, and New Year's Eve celebrations, unless seated during the event.

Nov. 26, 2021

  • State of emergency: The government has declared a state of emergency for the next 30 days. It took effect at midnight on Nov. 25 to 26.


Apartment for sale, 3+1 - 2 bedrooms, 65m<sup>2</sup>

Apartment for sale, 3+1 - 2 bedrooms, 65m2

Větrná, České Budějovice - České Budějovice 2

Family house for sale, 73m<sup>2</sup>, 83m<sup>2</sup> of land

Family house for sale, 73m2, 83m2 of land

U Továrny, Zdiby - Přemyšlení

Building plot for sale, 1132m<sup>2</sup>

Building plot for sale, 1132m2

Říčanská, Sibřina

Apartment for rent, 1+KK - Studio, 26m<sup>2</sup>

Apartment for rent, 1+KK - Studio, 26m2

Silurská, Praha 5 - Hlubočepy

  • Christmas markets: Markets will close as of 6 pm on Nov. 26 and remain closed.
  • Entertainment: A maximum of 1,000 people can attend cultural or sporting events, and must be seated. Patrons must present proof of vaccination or recovery (with some previously stated exceptions).
  • Nightlife: Pubs, restaurants, and nightclubs must be closed from 10 pm until 4.59 am the following day. Patrons must present proof of vaccination or recovery (with some previously stated exceptions).
  • Malls: The consumption of food in food courts in shopping malls is prohibited. It will only be possible to take food with you. The rules do not apply to restaurants with separated premises.
  • Mass events: A maximum of 100 people will be able to take part in mass events such as community meetings, celebrations, parties, and balls. Funerals will remain unrestricted.
  • Alcohol: The consumption of alcohol in public is prohibited.

Nov. 22, 2021

  • Entertainment: Either proof of vaccination or recovery from Covid within 180 days is required to attend all cultural events: theater, concerts, and cinema. PCR or antigen tests will no longer be accepted. Those who bought tickets prior to the introduction of the new rules are eligible for a refund.
  • Restaurants: Proof of vaccination or recovery from Covid within 180 days is now required to visit a restaurant, cafe, pub, or food court. PCR or antigen tests will not be accepted. This applies to indoor and outdoor seating. Restaurant staff is responsible for checking Covid certificates.
  • Accommodation: Proof of vaccination or recovery from Covid within 180 days is required to stay at hotels, hostels, and similar facilities for tourist purposes. PCR or antigen tests will no longer be accepted. Unvaccinated people on business trips, those traveling to a doctor or for other 'essential' purposes such as caring for relatives may stay in hotels upon presentation of a negative PCR test.
  • Outdoor events: Traditional outdoor events such as open-air markets, food festivals, funfairs, and parades will be limited to 1,000 people, from the previous 2,000. The restrictions on outdoor events will not affect culture or sports. Attendees must present proof of vaccination or recovery from Covid within 180 days.
  • Tourist sites: Visiting museums, castles, zoos, botanical gardens, or chateaux is only possible with proof of vaccination or recovery from Covid within 180 days. PCR or antigen tests will no longer be accepted.
  • Indoor wellness: Adults will no longer be able to use gyms, fitness centers, pools, and saunas without presenting proof of vaccination or recovery from Covid within 180 days.
  • Salon services: Visits to the hairdresser's, cosmetic salons, manicurists, tattoo studios as well as solariums, massage parlors, etc. are only possible with proof of vaccination or recovery from Covid within 180 days.
  • Exceptions: Minors under 18 and those who have already received their first jab or second vaccine dose less than 14 days ago may access the above services with a negative PCR test. Individuals who cannot be vaccinated for health reasons may present a negative PCR test. GPs should log a patient's inability to be vaccinated into the ISID database.
  • Hospitals: A PCR test or antigen test administered by a healthcare professional will be recognized for visits to in-patient healthcare and social care facilities such as hospitals and nursing homes. Antigen tests will be valid for only one day and a PCR test for three.
  • Universities: Student dormitories will stop accepting Covid self-tests. As a result, only the vaccinated, the recovered, and those with a PCR test not older than 72 hours and a professionally administered antigen test taken in the past 24 hours will be allowed to stay in student accommodation. Students must show the test at their dormitories once a week.
  • Skiing: Proof of vaccination or recovery, with some exceptions, is required to buy a ski pass. Electronic or paper certificates may be used. Proof is required not only when buying passes but also at the request of the resort operator. Masks are required in enclosed cabins and a distance of 1.5 meters is required on the slopes, except for family groups.

Nov. 15, 2021

  • Schools: University students will have to wear respirators as part of their classes. The extraordinary measure will apply in classrooms where at least 50 students meet. Currently, university students are only required to wear respirators indoors if they are not seated.
  • Hospitals: Unvaccinated workers in hospitals and other inpatient facilities who come into contact with patients will have to be tested once a week, with the first test no later than Nov. 22.

Nov. 1, 2021

  • Restaurants: Staff at restaurants, pubs and other dining establishments must check patrons for a certificate of vaccination, recovery from Covid, or a recent test. Checks can be carried out at the table. People without proof of a clean bill of health will be denied service and asked to leave. Certificates can be electronic or paper. The obligation does not apply to food courts at malls or for takeaway service.
  • Covid tests validity: Negative PCR tests are valid for three days, and negative antigen tests for 24 hours.
  • Proof age limit: The age limit for children who do not have to prove vaccination, recovery, or a recent test is increased from 6 to 12 years, and for organized sports competitions, the age limit is increased to 18 years.
  • Covid test costs: Most people will have to pay for Covid tests, as public insurance will no longer cover it. Tests will remain free only for people under 18, those vaccinated, halfway through their vaccination, and those who cannot get jabbed due to a contraindication. Free testing will be available for qualified people once a week for antigen tests and twice a month for PCR tests. Tests ordered by doctors or public health authorities will also remain free. The tests' prices are capped at CZK 814 for PCR and CZK 201 for antigen test apiece.

Oct. 25, 2021

  • Indoor spaces: People must wear respirators in all indoor spaces including workplaces. Exceptions are situations where people keep a distance of at least 1.5 meters. People must also keep their nose and mouth covered in the interiors of buildings if they meet at a distance of less than half a meter. Respirators will also be required at indoor mass events regardless of the number of participants. The obligation does not apply in apartments or hotel rooms, and with regard to members of one household.
  • Quarantine: The time for quarantine after contact with an infected person is shortened to seven days on the condition of a negative PCR test. Previously, people had to spend 14 days in quarantine after contact.

Aug. 1, 2021

  • Event capacity: Up to 7,000 people outside and 3,000 inside will be allowed to watch sports and cultural events. The mandatory distance between the standing spectators will be reduced to two square meters. As of the new season of the first and second football divisions, the permitted number of spectators will be increased. If there is a capacity under 5,000 places, they may be quite full. When it comes to the auditoriums with 5,000 to 10,000 capacity there can be maximally 5,000 spectators, while the stadiums with 10,000 persons and more can now fill up to one-half of the auditoriums, provided there is a distance of at least one seat.
  • Dancing: Dancing will be permitted in dance halls provided people clean bill of health.
  • Pools: The capacity will no longer be limited. However, swimming pools may still only be entered by those inoculated, recovered from Covid in the past 180 days, or with an antigen or PCR test. The size of children's groups in camps for educational and other events is also changing from 500 to 1,000 people indoors and 2,000 outdoors.
  • Exhibitions: Operators of exhibitions and similar internal spaces will be able to choose whether to observe the limit of visitors per square meter or whether to newly use 75 percent of their capacity. The possible number of people in one group in organized tours of castles, chateaux, zoos, and the like will increase from 10 to 20 people. They will not have to show a vaccination or test certificate.

June 26, 2021

  • Entertainment: The maximum attendance at cultural events will be raised to 2,000 indoors and 5,000 outdoors, with standing places to be allowed if each person has four square meters. No empty capacity has to be left at outdoor events. Indoor events can be up to 75 percent capacity.
  • Food and drinks can be consumed in cinemas.
  • Museums and galleries can have one visitor per 10 square meters.
  • Live music, but not dance, will be allowed in restaurants and night clubs.
  • The capacity of swimming pools and wellness centers raised to 75 percent.
  • Shopping: There can be one person per 10 square meters in retail shops and the ban on promotion events is lifted.
  • Services: In hairdressers, beauty parlors, manicure, and massage, the condition of a single customer is canceled. The duty to register clients is lifted.

June 15, 2021

  • Education: Face masks not required in classrooms in the Zlín, South Bohemia and Liberec regions.The obligation ended in the other 11 regions a week earlier. Masks still required during breaks and in common premises.

June 14, 2021

  • Entertainment: Outdoor venues are no longer required to leave empty seats, but are still limited to 2,000 attendees. Standing tickets can be sold but there must be 4 square meters per person. Indoor venues still must operate at 50 percent occupancy, with up to 1,000 spectators.

June 10, 2021

  • Entertainment: Cinema multiplexes open. They could have opened May 24, but opted not to. Popcorn and snacks still not permitted in the screening rooms. Respirators are still required. Proof of vaccination, negative test, or recovery is required.

June 8, 2021

  • Entertainment: Indoor events can have 1,000 spectators and outdoor events can have 2,000 spectators, up to half of the venue capacity.
  • Rules for proving a negative test unified, so self tests, school tests, work tests, and declarations are now accepted at cultural venues as well as restaurants and pubs.
  • Education: Face masks not required in classrooms, except for in the Zlín, South Bohemia and Liberec regions. Masks still required during breaks and in common premises.

June 1, 2021

  • Shopping: Children's corners can open in shopping malls.
  • Education: Up to 30 students can sing in class.
  • Students can remove masks for class photos.

May 24, 2021

  • Hotels: Accommodation facilities can reopen for recreational purposes without limitation of their capacities. Guests must present a coronavirus test, a vaccination certificate, or a document that they have undergone Covid-19. They will only be able to be accommodated for seven days. If the stay is to be prolonged, a repeated Covid test will be necessary. Guests will be allowed to be served in the hotel's restaurants from 6 a.m. until 9:59 p.m. Buffet refreshments will be prohibited.
  • Entertainment: Outdoor cultural events may be attended by up to 1,000 people, but maximally one-half of the capacity of the space may be filled.  Respirators are required. Proof of vaccination, negative test, or recovery is required.
  • Indoor events including live theater and cinema are permitted, provided there is the maximum participation of 500 viewers, up to one-half of the venue capacity. Respirators are required. Proof of vaccination, negative test, or recovery is required.
  • Up to 12 people can practice collectively sports at indoor sports facilities. The number of people who may practice sports in the whole area of a sports ground will increase to 30. The rules would also be applied for physical education at school. Participants must be tested, vaccinated, or recovered from Covid. Visitors must not use the locker rooms or showers.
  • Respirators are now no longer needed by any athletes or practicing people during training, exercise, wrestling or competition. Coaches, other team members in team sports, and referees can also be without mouth and nose protection.
  • Education: All elementary schools will return to regular instruction without any rotation. Secondary schools also return. The pupils of the schools that use antigen tests will be tested once a week. PCR tests will be once in two weeks.
  • Universities will also be able to renew theoretical teaching with 1.5 meter distance with the exception of practical studies and work in laboratories.
  • Elementary school sixth-ninth graders and lower grades that haven’t already done so will return to regular teaching without any rotation.
  • Services: Respirators and masks can also be removed by customers of hairdressers, barbers, beauty salons, massage services, or tattoo artists.

May 17, 2021

  • Restaurants: Outdoor gardens can open. Patrons will need to be tested, fully vaccinated, or recovered from Covid-19. The responsibility for following those rules falls on the patron. A maximum of four people may sit at a table unless they are members of the same household, and tables must be 1.5 meters apart. WiFi will be allowed in the gardens.
  • Entertainment: Cultural events can take place in the open air with maximum participation of up to 700 people. People will need to show either a negative test, a completed vaccination, or recovery from Covid-19.
  • Indoor sports grounds, fitness centers and gyms can reopen, but with a limit of one visitor per 15 square meters, a maximum of two people in groups, and a maximum of 10 people in total. It will be necessary to keep the spacing of at least two meters if they are not members of one household. People will have to have a negative coronavirus test, a vaccination certificate, or proof of recovery from Covid-19 in the last 90 days. Patrons will not be allowed to use changing rooms or showers.
  • The occupancy of outdoor spaces of zoos, botanical gardens or arboretums is increased to 50 percent, but the indoor pavilions remain closed to the public.
  • Education: The first five grades of elementary schools are switching to a regular school attendance regime across the Czech Republic as of today, as are sixth to ninth graders in Prague and the Hradec Králové, Karlovy Vary, Plzeň, Central Bohemia, Liberec, and Pardubice regions.
  • The frequency of testing pupils with PCR tests has been reduced from each week to once every 14 days, and when using state antigen tests, schoolchildren will be tested once a week. An exception is the second stage of primary schools in seven regions with a worse epidemic situation, where there will be antigen testing as before twice a week. Masks or respirators must still be worn inside, except for children in kindergartens or the mentally handicapped.
  • Hospitals: Visits to hospitals are allowed again. Visitors have to wear respirators and show a negative test for Covid-19, be fully vaccinated, or recently recovered.

May 10, 2021

  • Shopping: stores and services that haven’t already opened can reopen; respirators required and spacing rules apply: 15 meters of operating space per customer, two-meter interval between customers, hand disinfection before entering the store.
  • Restaurants still can only provide take-away service or delivery.
  • Entertainment: Museums, galleries, and monuments that have not yet been open to the public already can open. Hygiene rules apply. Group tours are restricted.
  • Education: Grades six through nine in primary schools in the Ústí nad Labem, South Bohemia, Vysočina, South Moravia, Olomouc, Moravia-Silesia, and Zlín regions start rotating secondary education. Kindergartens for all children are also opening in the same seven regions.
  • Clinical and practical teaching of all grades of universities is being renewed throughout the Czech Republic.
  • General: Respirators are required outdoors only when meeting two or more people less than two meters apart, unless they are members of the same household.

May 3, 2021

This wave of relaxations is based on six packages introduced by the government on April 22.

  • Schools: Grades six to nine return in the Prague, Karlovy Vary, Plzeň, Hradec Králové, Central Bohemia, Liberec, and Pardubice regions on a rotating basis.
  • Covid testing for the first five grades of primary school, secondary school students in practical classes, conservatories and universities reduced to once a week; grades six to nine in primary schools remain at twice a week.
  • Services: Hair salons, manicure, massages, and other body care services open on a one-to-one basis, and patrons need to provide a recent antigen or PCR test, be vaccinated, or recently recovered from Covid. Tests from work or school can be used, in addition to ones from official test sites. Tests can be made at the service on the spot.
  • Animal care services can reopen.
  • Entertainment: Museums, galleries, and heritage sites can reopen in the Prague, Karlovy Vary, Plzeň, Hradec Králové, Central Bohemia, Liberec, and Pardubice regions, under strict hygiene conditions.

April 26, 2021

  • Schools: Secondary school students and students in the last year of university return for practical classes.
  • Kindergartens in Plzeň, Hradec Králové and Karlovy Vary fully reopen without Covid testing or masks for students.

April 12, 2021

State of emergency ends, and restriction are now governed by pandemic law.

  • Restricted movement: Nighttime curfew no longer in effect.
  • Ban on travel between districts ends.
  • Only two people not from the same household can meet. (Police have announced they will not enforce this rule in public.)
  • Schools: First five grades of primary school and preschoolers return to in-class teaching on rotating basis.
  • Students to be tested twice weekly for Covid.
  • Libraries reopen under strict conditions.
  • Entertainment: Zoos and botanical gardens reopen outdoor areas.
  • Shopping: Farmers markets can reopen; snacks can't be sold; no seating can be provided; face coverings and distancing required.
  • Stationery, clothing and footwear stores can reopen.
  • Dry cleaners, laundries, locksmiths, auto parts and farm machinery stores reopen.

March 1, 2021

The 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew remains in effect. Restaurants and other catering establishments are still allowed to provide take-away sales. Face coverings remain required in built up urban areas, respirators required on public transit and in shops.

  • Restricted movement: Only necessary trips, such as shopping, and trips to nature and sports, are allowed. Trips can only be with members of one household.
  • Visits to relatives within the district of the place of residence will be allowed only to secure necessary needs or care. An exemption applies to shared parenting.
  • Walks and jogging are possible only in the municipality where people live during the day and walking dogs within 500 meters of residence late in the evening.
  • Travel between Czech districts is banned, without a fundamental reason, such as a trip to work or to a doctor.
  • Shopping: The government has also reduced exemptions for retail shops and services. Stores and services that can remain open are: grocery stores, gas stations, drug stores, pharmacies, animal feed and pet stores, florists and gardening stores, opticians, newspaper and tobacco shops, towing services, places to pick up goods ordered via the Internet, computer and IT services, funeral services, unmanned car washes, household goods, and taxis services and passenger transport services.
  • Schools: Day care, kindergartens, and other schools that had been open have switched to distance learning. Exceptions include childcare for employees of the integrated rescue system, critical workers in infrastructure, security forces, and other selected professions.
  • Face covering: In the built-up area of cities, a medical mask or respirator is required. In shops, public transport and other risky places a respirator is required. Homemade cloth masks are no longer acceptable. Two medical masks cannot be substituted for a respirator.
  • Wearing respirators is mandatory at work, with the exception of people working in one room alone. Employers must provide protective devices to employees who come into contact with other persons.

Jan. 30, 2021

These measures are on top of restrictions announced on Dec. 14, 2020 (see below).

  • Farmer's markets must close.
  • Driving school instructors and students must wear FFP2 respirators.
  • Business trips with family members are not allowed; written confirmation required.
  • Renewed ban on visits to patients in acute care beds.
  • Ski lifts and cableways in the mountains may not be used by either skiers nor hikers.
  • Only members of one family may stay in cottages or holiday residences.

Dec. 23, 2020

These measures have been extended and will be in place until at least Jan. 22.

  • Curfew in place from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m.
  • Schools: Most schools will move to remote learning except kindergartens, schools for disabled children and first and second graders
  • Closure of non-essential shops, supermarkets limited to sell essential items such as food, drink or drugstore items
  • Capacity in church limited to one-tenth
  • Public gatherings limited from six to two persons
  • Maximum of 15 people allowed to attend marriages and funerals.
  • The operation of ski lifts will be stopped

Dec. 14, 2020

  • Hotels, swimming pools, fitness centers and saunas will have to close.
  • Ski resorts can open on Friday, but you cannot stay in ski resorts. Refreshments can only be sold in restaurants through the spending window. Equipment rentals can open
  • Small shops can stay open, officials said, as well as some service businesses like hairdressers.
  • Curfew in place from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m.
  • Schools: schools will operate in the third degree of PES until Friday, Dec. 18. The 18th will be the last day at school and holidays will start the next week.
  • Alcohol cannot be consumed in public
  • The government has allowed the immediate consumption of beverages outside of establishments, excluding alcohol.
  • Visits to the elderly homes will be possible so long as you have a PCR test in the past two days. Protective aids must be present.
  • Masks must still be worn indoors and outdoors as previously stated
  • Maximum of six people gathered indoors and outdoors.
  • Churches must operate at 20 percent capacity.
  • Indoor sports grounds remain closed. You can play sports outdoors, up to a maximum of 6 people.
  • Museums, castles, and other cultural centers must close.
  • Home office, whenever possible.

Dec. 8, 2020

  • Restaurant opening hours: Restaurants and bars in the Czech Republic must now close at 8 p.m. starting Wednesday, instead of 10 p.m.
  • The consumption of alcohol in public is prohibited, and the sale of alcoholic beverages at markets of any kind is prohibited
  • Catering services will not be allowed to operate
  • Ski resorts, originally set to reopen next week, may not reopen. The government will decide at a later date.

Dec. 3, 2020

  • The night curfew (currently 11:00 p.m.) will be lifted, allowing full free movement of people within the Czech Republic.
  • Retail shops may open with a limit of one person per 15 square meters and at least two meters between customers; lines outside the establishments must be regulated if this limit is exceeded.
  • Restaurants may reopen from 6:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. at 50% capacity and a maximum of four guests to a table.
  • Shopping centers will be able to open with a limit of one person per 15 square meters and at least two meters between visitors; lines must be kept both outside individual stores and outside the shopping center if this limit is exceeded. Food courts may reopen, but children's corners must remain closed.
  • Shops may open on Sundays.
  • Christmas markets may take place, though some (including those in central Prague) have already been cancelled.
  • Services such as hairdressers and salons may open with a limit of one person per 15 square meters; hairdressers must wear a face mask, but not a shield.
  • Museums and galleries may reopen to 25% capacity, but cinemas and theaters must remain closed.
  • Gyms and fitness centers may reopen under the same regulations as shops; classes may be conducted in groups of a maximum of ten (one instructor and nine participants) and all gym goers must wear a face mask.
  • Libraries may reopen and church services may be held under the same guidelines as shops.
  • Alcohol may be consumed in public spaces without limits.
  • Mass events may take place with a limit of 50 people if outdoors, and 10 people indoors.
  • Weddings and funerals may take place with a limit of 30 people in attendance (up from 20).
  • Visits to social care facilities are still prohibited, but visits to health care facilities are allowed with some restrictions.
  • Accommodation services may be provided without restriction.
  • Home office is still recommended for businesses if possible. Frequent testing is recommended for warehouse and production facilities.
  • Castles, chateaux and other cultural sites may reopen to groups of a maximum of 10.
  • Face masks must continue to be worn at all indoor locations and outdoor locations if a distance of 2 meters between people cannot be kept.
  • The third PES level also allows for a wider reopening of schools, but the Education Ministry has already announced that schools will continue to operate as if under the fourth PES level.
  • Pools and wellness centers may operate within the limit on gatherings of people.
  • Recreational sports my be played without limit outdoors and with a maximum of 10 people indoors.

Regulations concerning the operation of ski resorts are currently being prepared and expected to be announced by the end of next week.

These regulations are expected to remain in effect through Christmas. Note that while establishments are allowed to reopen, whether they do so under the restrictions still in place is at the discretion of the operator.

For the full breakdown, click here.

Nov. 30, 2020

  • Primary schools students in 1st grade to 9th grade can return to school. In addition, other second grade classes will alternate between in-class and online school instruction. The condition for their return is contingent on the Czech Republic downgrading the PES risk assessment from level five to level four.

Nov. 25, 2020

  • Some teaching to return: Full-time teaching of final years and fourth years of six-year fields of education at the conservatory at secondary schools will return. In addition, full-time practical teaching and practical training in groups of up to 20 pupils or students can now resume. Students in the last years of university will be able to study in groups of 20 people. This applies to laboratory, practical or artistic teaching.

Nov. 23, 2020

  • Outdoor gatherings: up to six people can gather outdoors instead of just two.
  • Curfew moved from 21:00 to 23:00.
  • Shops and restaurant take-away windows may now be open until 23:00. Drinking alcohol in public places is still prohibited.
  • 20 people can now participate in weddings and funerals, instead of 15.
  • Theater performances and concerts can now take place without spectators. For example, television recordings or internet broadcasts.
  • Store shopping cart rule: stores require one shopping cart per person, however mothers and fathers with children will be exempt. The store capacity will also not include children under the age of six. Inside of the stores, the customer must still have 15 square meters of operating space. The ban on sales on Sundays and public holidays still applies.
  • Guns and ammunition stores: stores with weapons and ammunition may now open due to the necessary shooting of wild pigs (boars), especially in the north of Bohemia, where there is a risk of transmission of African swine fever from Germany or Poland.
  • Driving schools: these schools can again organize theoretical and practical final tests. Training rides are still prohibited.
  • Libraries: You can pick up loans in libraries from the dispensers. Previously, it was only possible to obtain books without contact.

Nov. 18, 2020

  • First and second graders, preparatory classes and students in special schools will return to school. According to Minister of Education Robert Plaga, conditions of their return include the need to split kids into homogeneous groups, mandatory face masks on all premises, and frequent ventilation in classrooms. After-school groups and school meal services will be in operation. At primary and secondary schools, individual consultations for those in need will be possible.
  • Stores must limit the number of shoppers to 15 square meters per customer. Vendors are required to manage queues inside and in front of the stores and to monitor compliance with two-meter spacing between shoppers. Closing time is now extended from the current 19:59 to 21:00, when the curfew begins to apply.
  • Take-away windows can be open longer. The current opening period for restaurants, bars, and pubs has been extended from 5:00 to 21:00. During this time, hotels and similar facilities can serve guests in their restaurants.
  • Playing sports on outdoor sports facilities is allowed and has now been added to the list of current exceptions from the ban on the free movement during the day.
  • As of Wednesday, Nov. 18, 15 people are allowed to attend weddings, funerals, and church services (previously that number was limited to 10).
  • Dog and cat grooming salons are opening. The government now allows establishments that provide animal grooming services to operate.

Monday, Nov. 9

New conditions for entry into the Czech Republic apply from Monday, Nov. 9, marking almost all of the European countries at least in orange on the travel traffic light. Further information regarding the restrictions, which apply both to Czech citizens returning to the Czech Republic and to all foreigners, can be found here.

Monday, Nov. 2

  • Prague public transit switches to new schedule: Prague public transit will switch to a holiday schedule starting at 22:00. You still have to wear face masks on public transit and in vehicles with people you don't live with.

Wednesday, Oct. 28

  • Restrictions on free movement: Going out during nighttime hours between 9 pm until 4:59 am is banned with the exception of travel for the purposes of going to work, conducting business activities, or urgent travel. Walking your dog after 9 p.m. must occur within 500 meters of your residence. During the day, you are allowed to take walks in nature and parks.
  • Limitations on shop hours: shops must close from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. each night, and must close entirely on Sundays. This excludes essential shops like petrol stations, pharmacies, shops in busy places, such as airports or railway stations, shops in medical facilities, and restaurants, which operate in the form of delivery service. 
  • Changes to the home office: Officials have ordered everyone to work from home in both public and private companies and institutions, if possible. Health Minister Roman Prymula said work from home cannot be easily ordered for everyone, and the decision needs to be primarily made by the management of the companies.
  • Restrictions on farmers' markets: farmers markets stalls selling fresh and locally grown produce, meat eggs, bakery products and honey may still operate but stalls must be at least 2 meters apart and no more than 20 people per 400 square meters are allowed in the market at any one time. Eating at markets is forbidden. In light of these restrictions, many Prague farmers markets have said they cannot operate under such tight restrictions and will close instead. Before heading to your farmers market check their social media page to see if they will be operating.
  • Spa care: Spa rehabilitation care is now only available to people whose stay is at least partially covered by public health insurance.

Thursday, Oct. 22

  • Restrictions on free movement and contact with others: public gathering with more than two people that do not share the same household have now been banned. Walking in parks and forests for exercise is allowed and recommended for up to two people. Exceptions to this restriction include travel to work, necessary visits to see family, trips to purchase essential items such as food, and more. Read the full list of exceptions here.
  • Retail stores and services must close: however, this restriction has several exceptions, including grocery stores, drugstores, pharmacies, and other shops providing essential goods. In addition, wholesale stores can stay open without limitations. In malls and large shopping centers, groceries, drugstores, pharmacies and other stores listed in the exception can remain open. Restaurants can still run take-out windows and delivery. See a full list of the exceptions here.
  • Limitations on public office hours: public offices will now be open just two days a week for five hours. Visitors need appointments and should contact the office beforehand by writing, calling or visiting their website. Companies are encouraged to switch to home office.
  • Restrictions on tourism and entry of foreigners to the country: Traveling to the Czech Republic is only allowed for essential reasons, including work or business purposes, essential family travel, travel to healthcare facilities, or attending a wedding or funeral. Hotels and other accommodations cannot accept travel for tourist reasons, but they can still accommodate business travelers. Czech borders are not closed, and authorities are not conducting border controls anywhere.

Wednesday, Oct. 21

  • Face mask regulations: you must now wear a face mask outdoors where people are less than two meters apart. In addition, drivers and passengers in a car that do not live together must wear face masks. Exceptions include athletes in sports activities and remote areas outside of cities, towns and villages.

Wednesday, Oct. 14

  • Gatherings: you cannot gather with more than six people outside of your household
  • Face mask regulations: you need to wear a face mask at all public transport stops, including train, tram, and bus stations.
  • Restaurants, bars and pubs must close: however, restaurants can still operate take-away windows and delivery from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Hotel restaurants can remain open until 8 p.m.
  • Alcohol cannot be consumed in public
  • Schools switch to distance learning: all schools, except kindergartens and some special education schools, must switch to distance learning if they have not done so already.

Ongoing Measures

  • Restrictions on activities in offices.
  • All concerts, musicals, casinos, casinos, indoor sports grounds (fitness, bowling), sports events, federal events, shows, and tastings have been banned.
  • Swimming pools, wellness, solariums, zoos, clubs, fairs, museums, galleries, and castles must close to visitors.
  • Medical and social facilities cannot accept guests.
  • Avoid gathering in front of elevators, escalators, and toilets.
  • Only visit shopping centers in groups of two people.
  • Public participation in meetings of municipal and regional self-government has been banned.

Ongoing Restrictions in Place in Prague

  • Face mask regulations on public transit: you must wear face masks (or other respiratory protection) on all public transit, including the interior of the metro stations and railway areas as well as intercity connections.
  • Face masks mandatory indoors: you must wear face masks (or other respiratory protection) in all indoor locations that are not your home.
  • All indoor facilities, including restaurants, retail stores and services, now must provide disinfection equipment for the customers.
  • Admission of new persons by all providers of social services and users of social services is banned, as well as the admission of new persons by providers of aftercare.

Thank you to our partners at the City of Prague's Expat Centre for supplying source materials for this article.

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