🎥VIDEO OF THE WEEK: Waving baby in Prague window racks up millions of views

A TikTok clip posted last month has gone viral, with people around the world commenting on its cuteness.

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 18.07.2023 15:30:00 (updated on 18.07.2023) Reading time: 1 minute

A video of a baby waving at strangers from an ice cream shop window near Prague’s Charles Bridge has gone viral, with several international media outlets picking up on it.

The Facebook page for Metro.co.uk identified the baby as 9-month-old Georgina, adding that mother Maka Samkhradze called her baby “the little star of the window.” They posted their video two days ago and it has already garnered over 164,000 views and 4,000 likes.

But that pales in comparison to what appears to be the original version, which was posted on TikTok. This has racked up almost 6 million views and over 230,000 likes since it was posted at the start of June. The scene takes place on Mostecká Street in Malá Strana, a route that is popular with tourists.

Comments are in English, Spanish, Korean, Ukrainian, and Arabic. There was an international agreement that the cute baby sent out positive vibes and put a smile on people’s faces.

Several viewers also pointed out that men seemed more interested in interacting with the baby than were the women who passed by. But the less-than-one-minute clip can hardly be considered a scientific survey.

It is unclear when the video was made, but passersby are dressed for spring weather in light jackets and the occasional woolen hat.  

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