WATCH: Ukrainian Ministry of Defense thanks Czechia for support in a powerful new video

A video shared on social media talks about the two countries' shared history of resisting Russian occupation. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 30.09.2022 13:00:00 (updated on 17.10.2022) Reading time: 1 minute

"It's no surprise that Czechia has been one of Ukraine's most steadfast allies over the past months," the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense says in a new video shared on social media on Sept. 28, the day of Czech statehood.

The video shows footage from the Russian invasion of Ukraine this year next to archival images of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.

The video notes that Czechia has been sending weapons, including attack helicopters and tanks, to Ukraine since February. "And Ukraine will always remember." The video ends with a still of the flags of Ukraine and the Czech Republic next to each other, and the message "Thank you, Czechia!"

Earlier this month the Defense Ministry said that the Czech Republic has sent unspecified arms and equipment valued at about CZK 4 billion to Ukraine but declined to elaborate further, citing security reasons.

Czech president Miloš Zeman recently called for increased aid to Ukraine in response to Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to order a partial mobilization of Russian troops against Ukraine.

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