June 26, 2022
War Czech volunteers suspected of looting war zones in Ukraine
June 24, 2022
Military Fiala says weapons almost exhausted
Policy Senate approves 'lex Ukraine'
refugees Creation of Ukrainian classes in Czech schools prolonged
Culture Ukrainian play staged in Prague
June 23, 2022
support Benefit concert in Prague supports Ukraine
POLICY New sanctions law to target Russia and Belarus
SANCTIONS Visas not to be issued to Russians, Belarusians until March 2023
REFUGEES Czechia gives emergency visas to 753 Ukrainians on Wednesday
June 22, 2022
Expenditure on the refugee crisis at the end of May amounted to CZK 7.2 billion
The state, municipalities, and regions spent CZK 7.2 billion on managing the refugee crisis in connection with the war in Ukraine as of the end of May. The state paid CZK 6.1 billion of the sum and CZK 4 billion went to welfare benefits, the Finance Ministry told ČTK.
However, the costs do not yet include the spending of municipalities and regions in connection with refugees in May, dozens of millions of crowns in total, the ministry added.
The office also pointed out that roughly 70,000 refugees from Ukraine were employed in the Czech Republic, according to the data from early June. Consequently, the state gains taxes as well as social and health insurance payments for these employees.
At the beginning of April, the Minister of Finance, Zbyněk Stanjura estimated that the full-year costs of managing migration from Ukraine would be approximately two billion euros, ie approximately CZK 50 billion.
REFUGEES Czechia issued over 380,000 visas to Ukrainian refugees
June 21, 2022
refugees Nearly 77,000 Ukrainian refugees have jobs in Czechia
aid Govt. paid out CZK 100 million to NGOs and South Moravia region
policy Czech EU presidency to promote further support for Ukraine
June 20, 2022
Each year on June 20, the world celebrates World Refugee Day. This year, the focus will be on the right to seek safety. The holiday celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. The City of Prague is launching a campaign called the "Stories of Gratitude" dedicated to helping refugees. Meanwhile, the number of visas issued to Ukrainians in the Czech Republic is vastly decreasing.
refugees Number of visas granted to Ukrainians falling rapidly
policy PM and Prague's mayor agree on redistribution of refugees
AID Part of the opposition agrees with Russian Ukraine propaganda
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