Tram traffic between náměstí Míru and IP Pavlova will be disrupted until April 1

Work will take place in two stages to replace a kilometer of tracks that are 25 years old.

Raymond Johnston

Written by Raymond Johnston Published on 05.03.2021 15:47:00 (updated on 05.03.2021) Reading time: 2 minutes

Tram traffic will be disrupted on some of the busiest sections in Prague. The work will take place in two phases. The Prague Public Transit Company (DPP) will repair tram lines at Jugoslávská Street, náměstí Míru and Francouzská Street to the junction with Blanická.

The first stage will be implemented from the evening of March 5 until March 7, when tram traffic along Korunní Street will be stopped.

The second stage of the modernization of the line will follow with an interruption of tram traffic between náměstí Míru and IP Pavlova from the evening March 7 until April 1.

The first stage of repairs will last less than three days, DPP will replace parts of the tracks from the intersection of Francouzská and Blanická streets towards náměstí Míru. Because of this, trams will not run along Korunní Street as far as Flora.

DPP will also use the closures to repair the tracks at the intersection of Vinohradská and Jičínská Streets at the Flora metro station. Tram operation along Korunní Street will resume March 7 before midnight.

This stage will involve changes to tram routes 10, 15, 16, and 91. In the daytime there will be a substitute tram 36 on the route Sídliště Řepy – Motol – Kotlářka – Anděl – Zborovská – Palackého náměstí – Karlovo náměstí – I. P. Pavlova – Zvonařka.

The second stage start March 7 at approximately 10:30 p.m. DPP will replace parts of the tracks at Tylovo náměstí, complete their replacement at the intersection of Francouzská and Blanická streets, and also replace the original tracks with new ones in curves and on direct sections on náměstí Míru and Francouzská street.


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The second stage will affect tram lines 4, 6, 10, 13, 16, 22, 24, 91, 97, and 99, as well as bus line 135. Substitute tram 36 will continue. There will also be temporary bus line X10 on the route Blanická – Náměstí Míru – I. P. Pavlova and a night bus X97.

Most of the tracks date back to 1995 and after more than 25 years of operation they need to be replaced. The operation of trams between Náměstí Míru and IP Pavlova will resume April 1 before midnight.

Substitute bus X10.
Substitute bus X10.

During both stages, the DPP will replace more than one kilometer of rails, three track branches, and dismantle and reset approximately 2,200 square meters of granite paving.

Due to regular inspection, the operation of the cable car to Petřín will also be suspended from March 8 to March 26. The cable car will return to regular operation on Saturday, March 27, from 9 a.m. The DPP regularly inspects the cable car in Petřín every spring and autumn to ensure its safe and reliable operation.

"During this year's spring outage, we plan, for example, track inspection, including repair of rail expansion joints or training and inspection of operators, followed by other routine inspection and maintenance work in the engine room, drive, wagons and track. In the last week, inspection and verification tests will take place, and finally mechanical and electrical inspections in the presence of inspection technicians and inspectors," said Pavel Kejha, head of the Petřín cable car facility, said.

More information on the changes can be found here and here.

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