This weekend in Prague: A gourmet picnic and a tribute to a Czech pop icon

Plus: A new exhibit opens at Kampa, film shorts, and a cold war bunker opens to the public. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 16.06.2022 16:23:00 (updated on 16.06.2022) Reading time: 4 minutes

Visit artists' studios and interactive shows

Open Studios Prague, and sculpture at Kampa

The second year of Otevřené ateliéry Praha (Open Studios in Prague) lets people see various artist workspaces across the city all weekend. One English-friendly event is a multisensory performance that "offers an alternative to the excess of visual culture around us." A collage of fragments inspired by characters from Erben’s Kytice is a tactile experience for visitors offering objects, smells, and stories for a small group of spectators. (Reserve at:

A new exhibit of important post-war Czech sculptors Eva Kmentová (1928–1980) and Olbram Zoubek (1926–2017) opens at Kampa Museum. The two extraordinary artistic personalities. It opens June 18.

It's the last chance to see The Worlds of Jindřich Chalupecký at the Prague City Gallery on the second floor of the Municipal Library. The retrospective ends on June 19.

Explore underground Prague and re-enact history

Kryt Folimanka opening and Napoleonic Wars reenactment

Water recycling system in the Folimanka bunker. Photo: Raymond Johnston.
Water recycling system in the Folimanka bunker. Photo: Raymond Johnston.

See inside one of Prague’s Cold-War era anti-nuclear shelters, Kryt Folimanka. Prague 2 opens up the complex under Folimanka park once a month, and the next time is June 18 from 9 am to 3 pm. The network of tunnels and rooms was able to support 1,300 people. Free admission, enter at Pod Karlovem Street. 

Experience the Napoleonic Wars at Vojáci v Invalidovně (Soldiers in Invalidovna) on June 18 and 19. Re-enactors will be in period French and Austrian uniforms, and there will be demonstrations of arms. Tours geared for children (in Czech) are also planned.

Check out film shorts and catch a new wave

Some Like it Short 7, Daisies, Aussie Film

Anyone can be the filmmaker in Some Like It Short 7, at Bio Oko on June 17 at 8:30 pm. It is too late to enter your smartphone video, but you can watch the one-minute amateur efforts of others that were made for fun as well as the slightly longer ones that competed for prizes.

The ninth annual Australian and New Zealand film festival takes place at Kino Lucerna from June 14 to 20. The program has three recent films: the mystery “The Dry,” a post-apocalyptic thriller “Night Raiders,” and the documentary “My Name is Gulpilil.”


Věra Chytilová's classic Czech New Wave film Daisies (Sedmikrásky) is at Edison Film Hub on June 18 at 9:50 pm with English subtitles.

Go to a gourmet picnic

Apetit piknik, Pivo Na Náplavce, and Pool Party

Manifesto pool
Manifesto pool

Over 50 micro- and mini-breweries will be represented at Pivo Na Náplavce (Beer at Náplavka) on June 17 and 18. Entry to the accompanying music and culinary program is free, but if you want to sample beer you need to buy a special glass.  

Eat in Grébovka Park on June 18 at the Apetit piknik, The main stage hosts cooking lessons and raffles. There's also workshops and children's entertainment.

Get your feet wet at the Manifesto Pool Party on June 18, starting at 1 pm. The musical theme is house, with mixtapes played by DJ Fatty M and DJ TereSi.

Swing through the jungle or visit a summer stage

Jungle Book and the Bartered Bride

Azyl78, under construction. (Photo: Jatka78)
Azyl78, under construction. (Photo: Jatka78)

The Forman Brothers adaptation of Jungle Book continues this weekend at Azyl 78, a circus tent in Výstaviště. The performance was a few words in Czech but no real language barrier.

Director Alice Nellis' new production of the classic Czech opera The Bartered Bride has been dividing the critics, with people either loving or hating the modern approach that shifts the quaint village story to contemporary high-rise panel buildings. You can judge for yourself on June 17, 26, or 30 at the National Theatre.

An interactive music and performance show with Dan Bárta & Endru & Jen Featuring Losers is at the Divadlo Bravo summer stage at Klášter sv. Anežky České on June 19.

Show 'respect' for world music and rock legends

Guns N'Roses, Respect Festival, Tribue to Karel Gott

One of the big music events of the summer is Guns N’ Roses with support from Gary Clark Jr., at Letiště Letňany on June 18. So far on the tour, they play about two dozen songs, including some interesting covers like AC/DC's "Back in Black" as well as their wone hits like "Paradise City."  

The 25th edition of the Respect Festival comes to Rohanský ostrov on June 18 and 19 with a slate of World Music groups mostly from Africa or with an African influence in their sound.

Over 40 Czech performers gather for a Tribute to Karel Gott, giving renditions of his best-loved songs. Gott died in 2019 and the tribute, now taking place June 19 and 20 at O2 Arena, has been postponed several times due to the pandemic.

Celebrate dads and diversity

Open Workshop Festival, Festival Lusófona

Illustrative image / Tim Mossholder
Illustrative image / Tim Mossholder

Remember Father's Day at the Open Workshop Festival at Smíchovská náplavka on June 19. Workshops will help you learn new skills and crafts, and get in touch with a network of people who repair things.

Celebrate Portuguese and Brazilian culture at Festival Lusófona 2022 at Vila Štvanice on June 18. Expect games, music, dance, food, films, and theater.

Dig for fab flea market finds

LAVRS Market, Nusle Flea Market

Find second-hand treasures at LAVRS Market at Pragovka Art District on June 18. The emphasis is on Czech brands and makers. Stylists will be on hand to advise people. The side program includes music, workshops, and tours.

Forty-five vendors will offer all sorts of items at the Nuselské Blešky (Nusle Flea Market), held in the community garden at Vnitroblok Mečislavka on June 18. Some food will also be available and there will be a workshop on printing.

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