Those of us who live in Prague may be familiar with the 10 pm “night rest” noise restrictions or the ban on openly boozing in the streets — rules that can carry steep fines if violated. But the city wants to let tourists know that not everything goes in the land of stag parties and all-night herna bars.
By the end of September, a new advertising campaign will appear on the streets of Prague one that is focused on the rules that visitors to the Czech capital must follow. Prague City Tourism in cooperation with night mayor Jan Štern says the campaign will primarily be focused on the behavior of tourists in popular party zones.
The campaign comes on the heels of a recent survey conducted by the STEM/MARK agency on the behavior of visitors to Prague, particularly after hours.
“The campaign builds on previous surveys, from which we know, for example, that over 70 percent of tourists come to Prague for the first time and therefore do not know the rules that apply here,” said Petr Slepička, Director of Prague City Tourism, in a press release.
Tourists will see outdoor advertising near Prague’s main train station, the 119 bus stop in the direction of the airport, and locations in Prague 1. Clubs will also place posters in their windows.
The campaign will be accompanied by a survey of tourists that will run until the beginning of September on Dlouhá Street and the Rašín embankment, areas plagued by long-term problems with night noise and disturbances in an effort to bring about more effective future campaigns.
In recent years, Prague has changed tactics in its approach to tourism, making its strategy not to attract new tourists, but to cultivate tourism in its current form. The city wants to change the image of Prague as a destination with cheap alcohol, to direct tourists to areas outside of the center and to better connect visitors to its culture.