The Daily Dozen: 12 things to know about Czechia today

New trolleybus line, frost warning, and more buzzworthy headlines for March 15, 2023. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 15.03.2023 16:01:00 (updated on 16.03.2023) Reading time: 3 minutes


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TikTok warning|Prague City Hall has forbidden its staff from using the Chinese social media app TikTok on their work devices and recommended that they delete it from their private cell phones for security reasons. Prague will ask municipal firms and organizations to impose the ban as well. Read more in our article.

meanwhile in prague

New trolleybus line| Prague could have a third trolleybus line by 2025, the Prague Public Transport Company (DPP) announced. DPP announced that it obtained land and construction permission to electrify bus line 137 running between the Na Knížecí and U Waltrovka stops. The next steps are preparing entry documentation and declaring a public contract for the contractor, with construction set to begin next year.

History of metro|Next year, Prague's metro network will celebrate half a century of existence, but did you ever wonder how the underground transport network came into being, and how it evolved over time? Watch the evolution and read about its history in our article.

elsewhere in czechia

Post office closures|Česká pošta (ČP), the state postal carrier, will this year lay off thousands of employees and close hundreds of branches due to financial issues and fewer people using the company’s services. The branches that would close would be located in large cities. Read more in our article.


  • 69.8 percent of men and 50.6 percent of women in Czechia over the age of 18 are obese.
  • The EU average obesity rates were 60.2 percent for men and 45.7 percent for women over the age of 18.
  • The age group with the lowest obesity rate in Czechia was 18 to 24, with an average of 20.9 percent, lower than the EU average of 25 percent.
  • Source: Recently published Eurostat data for 2019


Taste of childhood|Paprika chicken (kuře na paprice), tender chicken in a velvety paprika sauce, transports many Czechs back to childhood. The recipe is not hard to make at home given that the steps are always the same, the seasoning depends on the chef, and how you serve it is typically a matter of tradition. Read our article for more tips and tricks.

for a good cause

Turkey and Syria earthquake|Czechia is supporting earthquake-stricken Turkey’s efforts to rebuild and recover with volunteering camps and a concert fundraiser. The non-governmental organization INEX – Association for Voluntary Activities has started accepting applications for people in Czechia interested in doing short-term assistance work in Turkey from April to September. Read more in our article.


partner tip

Chocolate bunnies|The Lindt GOLD BUNNY, which has become a firm Easter favorite, is celebrating the season with special offers and GOLD BUNNY promotions, including the release of gold bunnies in various shapes and sizes as well as a clover-bedecked spring bunny. Read more in our article.

zoo news

The baby pangolin shows its tongue. Photo: Moroslav Bobek, Prague Zoo
The baby pangolin shows its tongue. Photo: Moroslav Bobek, Prague Zoo

Baby pangolin|The birth of an endangered pangolin at Prague Zoo made international headlines, but the world-famous little critter still does not have a name. That is about to change, as people can now help to choose what to call the female baby, and also vote for their favorite in our poll.


Ice warning|The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute today announced a warning for ice for the entire Czech Republic, including Prague, in effect from 7 p.m. tonight until Thursday morning. Daily lows will drop below freezing, The institute advises drivers to drive very carefully, and pedestrians who are at risk of injury, such as the elderly, to also be careful. 

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