Segway Fines to be Issued Starting Today

The law is on the books, the signs are up, and police will finally start issuing fines from today. Right?

Dave Park

Written by Dave Park Published on 10.12.2016 09:00:00 (updated on 10.12.2016) Reading time: 1 minute

After years of talk, Prague’s Segway ban was approved by local officials back in May, enacted in August with an advertising campaign to inform potential riders, and signs have been going up the past two weeks to officially make the no-Segway zones crystal clear. 

But if you’ve travelled through the city center recently, you’ve probably still come across unhindered riders.

That should end starting today: the last of Prague’s 610 Segway-restricting signs are going up this morning, meaning the ban can finally be enforced by local authorities, reports Pražský deník. For real.

Prague police are ready to begin issuing fines, according to police spokesperson Irena Seifertová, which can be levied up to 2000 CZK at the officer’s discretion. 

According to, half of the Segway tour operators in the Czech capital have already closed up shop. 

The Segway sign installation came at a cost of 4 million crowns, but locals have taking note of just how comprehensive the signage appears to be.

If you happen to be the area of Křesomyslova in Nusle, for example, please be aware that Segways are forbidden from riding up and down the stairway in the park, though they can be ridden for about 80 meters in the adjacent parking lot:


Money well spent.

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