Rooftop Walkway Would Connect Prague Train Station to Center

Within five years, the platforms of Masarykovo nádraží could be connected to the center via a unique new rooftop walkway Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 07.08.2017 12:09:52 (updated on 07.08.2017) Reading time: 1 minute

In place of the underground walkway originally planned beneath Masaryk Station, a much more ambitious project may be coming to Prague, reports

The Railway Infrastructure Administration (SŽDC) has approved a new study by Jakub Cigler Architects and Sudop Praha that would cover the train station entirely, not only to provide protection from the elements but also to connect the station with the center of Prague.

The architects behind the plans have devised a rooftop walkway, complete with lawn and flower beds, that would significantly shorten the journey to the city center while also giving travelers the ability to connect to Prague’s main railway station in minutes.

“Construction of a new vestibule will be built in the form of roofing over individual platforms connecting the streets Na Florenci, Hybernská, and Opletalova with individual platforms of Masarykovo nádraží, at the same time, creating a pedestrian interconnection of the mentioned streets,” SŽDC chief Pavel Sury, told the publication.

The rooftop walkway over the trains is part of a larger plan to revitalize the Czech capital’s second-oldest railway station which was built in 1845.

The next steps are the preparation of the documents needed to obtain a territorial decision; the implementation could begin in 2022. 

The station is currently being reconstructed and will become the terminus of the planned railway connection with Ruzyně International Airport.

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