Czech president Zeman and his predecessor Václav Klaus have been hospitalized in Prague

The reason for the current president's hospitalization has not yet been disclosed; Klaus is struggling with hypertension.


Written by ČTK Published on 14.09.2021 13:37:00 (updated on 14.09.2021) Reading time: 2 minutes

The current Czech president and his predecessor were hospitalized at the same facility in the Czech capital today.

Czech President Miloš Zeman was transported to the Central Military Hospital (ÚVN) in Prague late Tuesday morning, ÚVN spokeswoman, Jitka Zinke, told the media. Former president Václav Klaus arrived at the Prague-Střešovice facility today after being hospitalized there with blood pressure problems over the weekend.

Citing privacy laws, Zinke declined to comment further on the situation. According to information from Právo, however, Zeman could be facing a longer-term hospitalization than Klaus.

Czech news server first broke the story of Zeman's hospitalization when it published video footage of the president's convoy to the ÚVN and of Zeman himself who waved at the journalists from his wheelchair.

Zeman's spokesman Jiří Ovčáček has not disclosed the reason for Zeman's hospitalization. Neither he nor the head of the Presidential Office, Vratislav Mynář, have responded to phone calls and SMS messages asking about Zeman's health.

The server said Zeman had reached the hospital just after 11:00. Before the presidential convoy, Zeman's wife Ivana Zemanova arrived at the facility.

Zeman has visited ÚVN several times in recent years. Last year, he had an operation for a broken arm there. The year before, he was there for a convalescence stay.

Zeman suffers from diabetes and neuropathy in his legs. Due to the latter problem, he has used a wheelchair since earlier this year.

At the beginning of this year, Zeman was vaccinated against coronavirus in the hospital and underwent a comprehensive preventive medical examination, due to which he remained in the ÚVN for two days.

Zeman's predecessor, former president Václav Klaus, arrived at the Central Military Hospital in Prague-Střešovice today after being hospitalized with blood pressure problems over the weekend, the server reported.

Klaus's spokesman told CTK the ex-president is waiting for further examination.

Spokesman Petr Macinka said that the former head of state underwent an examination in the hospital at the weekend. He was diagnosed with hypertension, Macinka added.


Pravo writes that Klaus, 80, spent two nights in hospital. He was discharged on Monday. However, Klaus was driven to the hospital again this morning.

In the past, Klaus did not have frequent health issues. The media focused on his health in 2008 when he underwent a hip replacement. In 2012, he had cataract surgery.

In late February 2021, Klaus contracted COVID-19. After giving a lecture at the Prague University of Economics and Business, he tested positive for coronavirus. He was examined in a hospital and recovered at home.

At present, he is at the helm of the Václav Klaus Institute, gives lectures and commentary on domestic and foreign policy.

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