Poll: Most Czechs support Ukraine joining EU, but split over NATO entry

The CVVM poll also showed support for diplomatic and financial pressure, but not for sending troops.

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 13.07.2022 20:01:00 (updated on 13.07.2022) Reading time: 2 minutes

The majority of Czechs support Ukraine joining the European Union, but fewer people are keen on the country joining NATO.

Some 58 percent of Czechs support Ukraine joining the EU, but only 17 percent want it to happen right away, while 41 percent favor entry at some time in the future. Only 27 percent were opposed, and the rest had no opinion, according to a poll by CVVM conducted between late March and early May.

In June, EU leaders granted candidate status to Ukraine. Kyiv asked for EU membership a few days after Ukraine was invaded by Russian troops.

NATO entry for Ukraine had respondents evenly split, with 41 percent in favor and 41 percent opposed. Of those who favor Ukraine’s entry, only 15 percent wanted to see it happen right away.

Almost three-fifths of Czechs agree with the government’s steps to support Ukraine in the war, with 24 percent strongly agreeing and 34 percent mostly agreeing. Those disagreeing in total amounted to 35 percent.

Approval of the government's actions increases with the highest completed level of education. The government's actions are also supported by the voters of the governing parties, those who trust the government, those who are politically aligned to the center-right or right, and those who are interested in the development of the situation in Ukraine.

Do you support the Czech government's steps to support Ukraine?

Strongly yes 45 %
Moderately yes 10 %
Moderately no 9 %
Strongly no 36 %
80 readers voted on this poll. Voting is closed

Disapproval of the government's actions was found among voters of the far right-wing SPD, Communists (KSČM) or ANO, those who do not trust the government, and those who politically align themselves with the left or center-left.

There was also some disagreement over the level of support. Some 49 percent of respondents say the Czech government's support to Ukraine in its war with Russia is adequate, while 42 percent say it is excessive and only 3 percent say it is insufficient.

A significant majority of Czechs, some 85 percent, support diplomatic pressure on Russia, and 63 percent support political and economic isolation of Russia.

Some 73 percent support financial aid to Ukraine, and 54 percent favor sending military equipment to Ukraine. But only 18 percent support sending in Czech troops to fight in Ukraine, while 50 percent strongly oppose it and an additional 23 percent mostly oppose it.

Another question explored how concerned Czechs are that Russia might use nuclear weapons in the conflict. A third of people are very worried that Russia will use nuclear weapons against Ukraine, and another 40 percent were moderately concerned, totaling 73 percent with some level of concern.

People were less worried that Russia would use nuclear weapons against the Czech Republic, with 17 percent very concerned and 31 percent somewhat concerned. People were slightly more worried that nuclear weapons would be used against another NATO country, with 18 percent strongly concerned and 35 percent somewhat concerned.  

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