Obese Animals Exhibit Opens at Náplavka

Czech artist Dereck Hard’s strange vision of human over-consumption has a Prague showing

Elizabeth Zahradnicek-Haas

Written by Elizabeth Zahradnicek-Haas Published on 12.11.2015 11:13:06 (updated on 12.11.2015) Reading time: 1 minute

With stats like this regularly showing up in the media, it’s no surprise that the Czech Republic’s waistline has become somewhat of a hot topic. It’s an issue that photographer Dereck Hard feels especially passionate about if his photo exhibit “We Are Fat Animals”, opening this weekend, is any indication.

Hard photographed a series of animals and then altered their weight in an effort to answer the question: What would animals look like if they ate the way humans do? The result is a statement on the unnatural lifestyle that plagues modern civilization.

Obese Animals Exhibit Opens at Náplavka

“It is said that the beauty standard is determined by the mass media. I think it is nature and animals that can show us how unusual it is to be eating too much constantly,” says Hard.

His subjects include a Czech white goat named Ophelia who appears as 120 kg in her altered state. An obese tigress is shown at a massive 500 kg. And Merlin, an adult male camel, weighs in at 1,300 kg.

The opening of the exhibition will take place at Náplavka Rašínovo nábřeží this Saturday, November 14, at 3 pm. DJ NobodyListen will perform a set and snacks, healthy ones, will be offered for free. The exhibit runs through November 28.

For more about the project visit www.fatanimals.cz.


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