Win a Free Entry to the Prague Marathon!

Relay entry for you and 3 friends - CLOSED Staff

Written by Staff Published on 05.04.2013 14:34:19 (updated on 05.04.2013) Reading time: 1 minute

This coming Saturday Prague will turn into a running capital during the Hervis Half Marathon. In cooperation with PIM, we bring you a chance to take part in the next event, Marathon Weekend (May 11-12). No don’t worry, you don’t have to run the full 42 km: take 3 of your friends or colleagues instead and run the corporate relay (10+10+10+12 km).

How to enter the competition: send us a photo from tomorrow’s race. It can be of you, your friends, or the race. And if you are out of Prague tomorrow, take a picture somehow connected to running to by Wednesday April 10. The most original picture wins! (Note: Please say in the email if you have 3 friends to run with you or if you want us to match you with other participants in our competition.)

*** …and the winner is Adeola Farinloye who took part in the half marathon as a member of a team around organisation called Running with those that can’t. Congratulations and see you all on May 12! ***

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