First look: Jiřího z Poděbrad metro station to reopen after nine-month closure

New escalators, platforms, air conditioning, and lighting are among the new features of the Prague 2 station. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 01.11.2023 10:51:00 (updated on 01.11.2023) Reading time: 2 minutes

The Prague Public Transport Company (DPP) has announced that the Jiřího z Poděbrad (JzP) metro station – on Prague metro's green A line – will reopen to passengers this Thursday, Nov. 2. This comes after an extensive refurbishment project that has been underway since early 2021 and has seen the station out of operation since Jan. 14.

The refurbishment provided an opportunity to replace aging infrastructure and restore the station to its original appearance.

A wide range of aspects upgraded

The major works undertaken included replacing the station's escalators. The builders took advantage of the closure to carry out other improvements as well, such as remediating water leaks, replacing damaged stone tiles, and installing new energy-efficient lighting integrated into the ceiling panels. This has given the platform a refreshed, revitalized look matching its early design upon first opening in 1980.

The renovation work also fixed leaks and repaired damaged tiles and paving. It completely replaced all air conditioning and cable ducts. The existing street-level shelters were removed. The station and its lobby received new LED lighting to replace the current system. A unified system was installed to enable remote control and monitoring of the metro lighting.

The extensive modernization contract, valued at around CZK 1.29 billion, was awarded to the consortium of construction firms Strabag and AŽD Praha in late May 2021. It represents one of DPP's largest investments in recent years to improve infrastructure reliability and the passenger experience within the second busiest metro station in the network.

Still some work to do

An elevator is still under construction and should be opened around spring 2024. This addition will make JzP the 47th barrier-free station in the Prague metro network once the modernization is fully completed.

One of the main reasons why work took so long is due to JzP’s sheer size and placement underground – it is the second deepest station on the Prague metro network, located 45 meters below ground level. It is also over 100 meters long.

Once reopened this week, commuters and travelers will benefit from the upgraded facilities for many years to come.

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