john hurts [from idiot]

Lisa Jeschke & Lucy Beynon at the Fringe Festival Praha Staff

Written by Staff Published on 05.05.2011 14:43:56 (updated on 05.05.2011) Reading time: 1 minute

john hurts [from idiot]

unintelligible demystifying
piece to last forty-five minutes.
neither very theatrical, nor
audible, nor particularly
important. certainly idealistic
though. and quick. too quick
some might say.

Lisa Jeschke & Lucy Beynon are pleased to present their new piece john hurts [from idiot] at this year’s Fringe Festival Praha. A discrepant piece of minimalist theatre based on both Konrad Bayer’s 1960 text ‘idiot’ and the writings of Simone Weil, john hurts [from idiot] is an examination of theatre’s political structures and a criticism of illusionism and the falsification of reality. Also a frivolous, funny forty-five minutes. Lisa Jeschke & Lucy Beynon have been making performance work together since 2007. They are based in Berlin.

‘Their work incarnates a very rare and exciting mode of live performance which is at once art and entertainment […] enlivened by a relentless openness to risk’ – (Cambridge Literary Review, Easter 2010)

Lisa Jeschke, Lucy Beynon
Kavárna 3+1 – May 29, 30, 31 2011 – 9:15pm

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