Fog and drizzle to blanket Prague throughout the week

Czech folklore predicts that if it's cloudy on November 11, winter will alternate between mud and snow

Raymond Johnston

Written by Raymond Johnston Published on 09.11.2020 11:56:00 (updated on 09.11.2020) Reading time: 2 minutes

Fog and drizzle will dominate this week across the Czech Republic, but temperatures should stay just above freezing.

Conditions are likely to change on Thursday, November 12, when a weakening cold front coming in from Western Europe partially disrupt the temperature inversion. Clouds will continue, however, and the drizzle wil turn to light rain.

Weather will then begin to be affected by a high pressure system above Eastern Europe that will bring in warm air from the south to the upper atmosphere.

Monday will see low clouds or fog with occasional drizzle and light winds. Prague temperatures should range between 2 degrees and 5 degrees Celsius with light winds. The only exception across the country will be in the mountains, where it will be partly cloudy.

Fog over Prague Castle. (photo: Raymond Johnston -
Fog over Prague Castle. (photo: Raymond Johnston -

Fog and clouds will carry on into Tuesday, with Prague temperatures in a narrower range between 4 degrees and 7 degrees Celsius, and weaker winds. Clear skies may be found in some mountain areas.

Wednesday, November 11, is St. Martin’s Day, which according to old Czech folklore is an indicator of the coming winter. There is a saying “Martin arrives on a white horse,” meaning that it will soon snow.

Another saying for the day is more fitting this year: “If St. Martin is under a cloud, it will be an unstable winter; if it is clear, it will be a harsh winter.” A final one says: “Martin and Katherine (November 25) on mud, Christmas on ice.” The sayings are quaint, but statistically no better than hit or miss.


Clouds, fog, and drizzle will likely remain, with a temperature range in Prague of 5 degrees to 7 degrees Celsius and mild winds, though some forecasts disagree and call for clear skies. Mountain areas should be partly cloudy.

Fog over the Žižkov TV Tower. (photo: Raymond Johnston -
Fog over the Žižkov TV Tower. (photo: Raymond Johnston -

Thursday should either remain or return to being cloudy with drizzle and even light rain in some places. Prague temperatures should range between 5 degrees and 8 degrees Celsius, and go as low as 2 degrees Celsius in some parts of the country.

Friday is a toss up, with some forecasts calling for clouds and rain and others for clear skies in Prague. Temperatures should be slightly warmer, going up to 10 degrees Celsius, from a low of 4 degrees.

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