Environmental activists plan protests, traffic blocks in Prague for this weekend

The Czech branch of the Extinction Rebellion environmental movement will block traffic and hold protest gatherings in Prague to draw attention to the climate crisis


Written by ČTK Published on 09.10.2019 16:33:10 (updated on 09.10.2019) Reading time: 2 minutes

Prague, Oct 9 (CTK) – The Czech branch of the Extinction Rebellion environmental movement will block traffic and hold protest gatherings in Prague to draw attention to the climate crisis from Thursday October 10 to Saturday October 12, the movement informed on social media today.

On Thursday, members of the Czech branch of Extinction Rebellion will stand on blocks of ice with nooses around their necks at namesti Republiky (Republic Square).

On Friday, they plan on blocking traffic at various locations around the city for seven minutes. Two protests the same day will take place in front of the Czech Television and the CEZ energy company buildings.

On Saturday, there is a larger demonstration planned to take place on Wenceslas Square, comprising of a legal gathering that is to include workshops, lectures and music as well as an “illegal” action that will block traffic in several unspecified streets around Prague.

The movement said the blockade will be joined by about 100 of its members.

Another protest will take place on Old Town Square, with the movement calling on adults to arrive in black clothing and dress their children in bright colours. People should bring maquettes of butterflies, bees, birds and bugs to symbolise that ecosystem breakdown affects smaller species the most.

Extinction Rebellion Czech Republic also plans a larger traffic blockade to take place in spring next year.

“These people are prepared to bring personal sacrifices. They are ready to be detained by the police because nonviolent civic disobedience works and if it is disruptive enough, governments cannot ignore it,” the movement said on social media.

Extinction Rebellion calls on the state to immediately start reducing fossil fuel emissions and to reach carbon neutrality by 2025.


According to the international organisation, which has more than one million members around the world, the human species is facing extinction due to climate change. Their civic disobedience events are supposed to disrupt everyday life and force politicians as well as the public into immediate action.

Since Monday, Extinction Rebellion activists have been protesting in cities around the world, for example Berlin, London, Paris and several cities in Australia.

Lately, the Czech branch of Extinction Rebellion tried calling attention to the climate and ecological crisis by, for example, hanging clothes on almost 20 locations around Prague and protesting in front of the Government Office building while it hosted a meeting of the government’s coal commission.


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