Dance Day

Join the dancing all over the Czech Republic on April 29th Staff

Written by Staff Published on 26.04.2010 09:48:29 (updated on 26.04.2010) Reading time: 3 minutes

Prague, Brno, České Budějovice, Opava, Ostrava, Valašské Meziříčí…

On Thursday the 29th of April, 2010 Czech towns will become a whilrwind of dance!

…tango, hip hop, flamenco, ballet, afro, historical, contemporary, oriental and jazz dance, salsa, swing, step, folklore…

Dancers of all styles and genres will take to the streets on April 29,  2010 at 5pm in order to celebrate, under the auspices of Vize tance o.s.

Dance Day ~ the day there is dancing everywhere!

The following groups will dance in Prague at Palackého náměstí:

NANOHACH, VerTeDance, ME-SA, Konzervatoř Duncan Centre, Tangoalchemie, Caminito, Batocu, Rena Milgrom & Raduca Vojáčková,  children from Dance studio LIGHT- ZUŠ Na Popelce na Praze 5, Children‘s studio o.s. of the Ponec Theater, the editors of the magazing Taneční zóna (Dance Zone), and many more…

Dance theaters, groups, schools and soloists, lovers and fans of dance– all will pour on to the streets of their towns on Thrusday April 29th, 2010 at 5pm in a spontaneous dance celebration. Join us as well for this unique event which will be hosted by Anna Polívková and Tomášem Měcháčk!

Enthusiasts from around the Republic have joined together, as well as several towns in Slovakia. Organization of events in each location are the product of the creativity of the local dance community. The event is being promoted via Facebook, email and on websites. The goal of the event, aside from promoting greater happiness, is to draw awareness to the meaning and power of dance and its healing and empowering effects. Vize tance also wishes to connect dancers of different styles, genres and levels in order to an understanding of how many people in this country are engaged in dance activities.

In Ostrava for example there will be a happening on the main square, Masarykovo náměstí, where dancers will form the word TANEC (the Czech word for DANCE) with their bodies. In Brno there will be a large tango dance event (milonga) and in Valašské Meziříčí there will dancing in a public square with radio Valašsko. Each city that hosts an action can post information to the Day of Dance Facebook page at The event is rapidly expanding by snowball effect and is in the true sense a community-based action, and in this case, a very spontaneous initiative.

International Day of Dance has been celebrated around the world since 1982 in memory of the great dance reformer Jean-Georges Noverre (1727). This day celebrating dance is meant to highlight the universalsality of the art form as a common language that connects people and bridges political, cultural and ethnic barriers.

International Dance Day Message 2010

Julio Bocca, choreographer, Argentina

‘‘Dance is discipline, work, teaching, communication. With it we save on words that perhaps others would not understand and, instead, we establish a universal language familiar to everyone. It gives us pleasure, it makes us free and it comforts us from the impossibility we humans have to fly like birds, bringing us closer to heaven, to the sacred, to the infinite.

It is a sublime art, different each time, so much like making love that at the end of each performance it leaves our heart beating very hard and looking forward to the next time.“

The Day there is Dancing Everywhere is organized by arts professionals under the aupisces of Vize tance within its platform of supporting modern dance, physical theater and interdisciplinary arts.

A list of participating towns to date:


·    PLZEŇ
·    BRNO
·    OPAVA
·    RYCHNOV u Jablonce n. N.

In Slovakia:

·    BANSKÁ BYSTRICA a mnoho dalších.

c/o Institut umění – Divadelní ústav
Celetná 17
110 00 Praha 1

More information can be found at

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