Czechia among European countries warned of increased threat from Hamas operatives

In personal letters sent to 20 EU leaders, the Israeli government has urged increased vigilance regarding Hamas operatives or sympathizers. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 08.12.2023 11:49:00 (updated on 09.12.2023) Reading time: 2 minutes

Czechia is among the Europan countries facing a growing domestic threat from Hamas-affiliated groups operating on the continent, Israel’s Diaspora Affairs Ministry has warned.

Media outlet The Jerusalem Post reports that the Israeli government has sent individual letters to around 20 EU leaders, confirming evidence of terrorist activities by Hamas and the violent Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine group in major European countries. It advises governments to tighten security and increase surveillance.

Multiple European countries at risk

Israeli Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli said: "Hamas has proven that their goal is to kill Jews everywhere.” He pointed out a 120-percent increase in calls for violence against Jews worldwide since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas war two months ago. "Unfortunately, Hamas's bloodlust is not limited to Israel and Jews, but also extends to Europe,” he added.

Along with Czechia, Chikli named Belgium, Italy, France, and Germany as being among the countries that face an increased terror risk from Hamas associates. Last week, a Hamas sympathizer killed a German tourist in Paris. 

Czechia’s strong support for Israel

Czechia has staunchly backed Israel throughout the conflict, considering itself as one of its closest allies in Europe. Prime Minister Petr Fiala, Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský, Chamber of Deputies Speaker Markéta Pekarová Adamová, and Senate Speaker Miloš Vystrčil have all visited the state and assured support for it, pledging humanitarian aid.

While Czechia has not seen any large-scale violence or attacks, inter-ethnic tensions have been brewing. Simultaneous pro-Palestine and pro-Israel protests in the center of Prague have led to small scuffles and tense verbal exchanges, and a part of Prague’s Jewish Quarter was evacuated in October after a suspicious piece of luggage was left behind.

Hostilities rising nationwide

The Czech police in October also announced increased caution and security measures in response to the war’s outbreak.

The Czech government banned this month a pro-Palestine protest due to the use of the phrase “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” which Czech authorities saw as inflammatory and a promotion of terrorism.

In a separate development, BBC News this week reported European Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson warned of a “huge risk” of terrorist attacks in large EU cities during the Christmas period. 

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