VIDEO: Czech Designers Develop Incredible Facial Animation Technology

The program would let you turn your face into a real-life, real-time animated work of art from a bronze sculpture to an Impressionist painting Staff Jason Pirodsky

Written by StaffJason Pirodsky Published on 31.05.2017 11:12:11 (updated on 31.05.2017) Reading time: 1 minute

A groundbreaking real-time, image-processing algorithm that uses Artificial Intelligence to turn your face into an animated, talking work of art—from a bronze statue to a color-saturated painting—was recently released by a team of Czech researchers.

Professor Daniel Sýkora in the Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction at Czech Technical University (ČVUT) posted this demo video of the patent-pending project (Example-Based Synthesis of Stylized Facial Animations) on his YouTube channel last week.

While the technology is not yet available in an Instragram- or Snapchat-style app, the findings from the team’s research paper will reportedly be published later this year.

Which means it’s only a matter of time before you can Mona Lisa yourself.

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