Czech Republic reports 68 new coronavirus cases, lowest daily rise since March 17

The Czech Republic has 6,059 confirmed coronavirus cases, including 68 new ones from Monday, which has been the lowest daily rise since March 17 (67)


Written by ČTK Published on 14.04.2020 08:37:58 (updated on 14.04.2020) Reading time: 2 minutes

Prague, April 14 (CTK) – Czechia has 6,059 confirmed coronavirus cases, including 68 new ones from Monday, which has been the lowest daily rise since March 17 (67), while 147 COVID-19 patients have died and 527 recovered so far, according to the data on the Health Ministry’s website from this morning.

However, the number of new cases is usually lower on weekends and during holidays, as the number of coronavirus tests is lower, too. On Monday, 3,183 tests were performed, which has been the lowest daily figure since the end of March.

Laboratories in Czechia have performed 131,542 coronavirus tests to date.

On the contrary, last week’s record number of tests was on Wednesday, 8,164, with 295 confirmed cases. The number of tests started falling then to over 5,000 on Good Friday, some 4,800 on Holy Saturday and about 3,200 tests on Easter Sunday and Monday each. A lower number was reported on March 29 only, 2,798.

The coronavirus-related death toll has increased by four cases since Monday night. On Monday, seven COVID-19 patients died, all aged over 60.

The highest share of the infected, some 20 percent, is among people over 65, who are also the group most threatened with COVID-19, according to data from the regional sanitary stations.

Some 19 percent of the infected are in the age group between 45 and 54 years, patients aged 35-44 make up 17 percent and the lowest share, under 6 percent of all positive cases are children under 14.

On Monday, 428 COVID-19 patients stayed in Czech hospitals, including 92 with a severe course of the illness demanding intensive care. Some 320 of the hospitalised patients have recovered or have been released to home quarantine so far.

According to the permanent residence, the highest coronavirus incidence is still in Prague, 1,447 cases, roughly one-quarter of all infected, followed by Central Bohemia with 728 cases and Moravia-Silesia with 690. The lowest incidence is in South Bohemia, 155.

Prague has also the highest number of COVID-19 patients per population, with some 106 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The lowest figure is in South Bohemia, 24 infected per 100,000 inhabitants.

The first COVID-19 infection cases were reported in the Czech Republic on March 1. Their number exceeded 3,300 at the end of March.

Daily numbers of conducted tests and growth in confirmed infection cases in past week:

Date: Number of tests (Number of newly confirmed infection cases)

April 6: 6,233 (235)
April 7: 7,434 (195)
April 8: 8,164 (295)
April 9: 8,009 (257)
April 10: 5,431 (163)
April 11: 4,841 (170)
April 12: 3,233 (89)
April 13: 3,183 (68)

Source: Health Ministry

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