Corporate giants ranked: Czechia’s most valuable billion-crown companies

The study found that each business in the ranking had a valuation of over CZK 1 billion.


Written by ČTK Published on 20.11.2023 10:03:00 (updated on 20.11.2023) Reading time: 2 minutes

A new study by news site Seznam Zprávy ranking the most valuable Czech firms has found that state-controlled energy conglomerate ČEZ tops the list. 

The report, made in cooperation with accounting firm Deloitte, identified the 100 most valuable firms under domestic ownership. Seznam Zprávy stressed this research provides the first systematic evaluation of its kind, as it analyzes real economic strength beyond basic indicators like revenue or profit. 

To develop the systematic company comparison, Seznam Zprávy reviewed the financial statements of the most valuable Czech businesses. In total, they are worth over CZK 2 trillion in estimated acquisition prices. 

A mix of state and private firms

Coming in second place is the EPH group controlled by investor Daniel Křetínský, valued CZK 271 billion, and in third place is the Agrofert holding owned by former Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, valued at CZK 210 billion. 

Many of the firms in the ranking are owned by the state. Alongside ČEZ in the top ranks, the state also runs forest manager Lesy ČR, the Budweiser Budvar Brewery, and Prague Airport.

The highest-ranked consumer bank was the Czech-run Moneta Money Bank, and the best-performing communications firm was O2 Czech Republic, which is owned by Renáta Kellnerová, the richest person in Czechia. Online retailer came in the top 20, with an estimated value of CZK 20 billion.

A wide range of private enterprises made the list, operating across industries like energy, food production, defense contracting, information technology, e-commerce, and healthcare.

More control over state firms?

While ČEZ dominates the ranking as the most valuable Czech company, the government plans reforms to strengthen state control over companies focusing on energy infrastructure. However, Prime Minister Petr Fiala noted the intentions are not to displace minority shareholders or pursue nationalization that could disadvantage them. Along with EPH and Agrofert, the energy giant represents over half of the total CZK 2 trillion value embodied in the ranking of top domestic firms.

The new ranking aims to shed light on the major corporate players that drive the Czech economy through their operations, investments, and employment. With valuations ranging from over CZK 1 billion upward, the listed companies highlight the concentration of assets in key domestic industries and business groups.

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