Bubble makers, giant costumed figures banned from Prague's center

Performers in giant costumes of pandas and other animals can no longer appear as tourist attractions in the streets of Prague


Written by ČTK Published on 23.09.2019 15:45:47 (updated on 23.09.2019) Reading time: 1 minute

Prague, Sept 21 (CTK) – Performers in giant costumes of pandas and other animals can no longer appear as tourist attractions in the streets of Prague, according to the city’s new directive on busking that also bans bubble makers from the streets.

Approved by the City Assembly on Thursday, the amended directive also extends the places where busking is banned.

The directive imposes a ban on “performers in the costumes of animals or film, TV and computer games characters” and “in costumes whose dimensions clearly exceed the proportions of an adult person.”

The localities with the complete busking ban newly include the whole Old Town Square, the Velkoprevorske Square where the popular Lennon Wall is situated, the namesti Miru Square, the Nerudova Street in the Lesser Town and a part of the Spalena street on the corner with the Narodni street.

Busking is also banned at cemeteries, near health centres, churches, playgrounds and schools when school lessons are underway.

Elsewhere, the buskers must not block the flow of pedestrians or the entrances to buildings and metro, the directive says.

It bans any performances disturbing with their noise, odour or dirt, and explicitly mentions bubble making and the use of aerosol sprays in this connection.

The directive does not apply to the historical Charles Bridge, which is subject to special separate conditions and rules of operation.


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