As of Monday, face masks no longer need to be worn outside in the Czech Republic

Today sees the further relaxation of measures put in place to stem the spread of the coronavirus in the Czech Republic


Written by ČTK Published on 15.06.2020 08:59:07 (updated on 15.06.2020) Reading time: 2 minutes

As of Monday, it will no longer be required to wear face masks outside in the Czech Republic even when in close proximity to others, the Health Ministry said in a press release released on Friday evening.

From March 19, the Czech government has made the wearing of face masks covering the mouth and nose mandatory outside of the home in an effort to curb the coronavirus epidemic. On May 25, the measure was loosened and people were permitted to remove face masks outside if they kept within two meters from others.

As of Monday, however, the requirement will be lifted due to what the government has determined to be the favorable development of the epidemiological situation in the Czech Republic.

Vojtech Tweeted on Friday evening that people will still be obliged to wear face masks in public transport and inside of buildings for some time.

“From Monday, we will also remove the veils outdoors for good, even without spacing. Exceptions remain mass outdoor events, where veils will still be needed in close contact with another person. The obligation to wear veils in public transport and inside buildings will also apply for some time,” he wrote.

The requirement to wear a mask has not been lifted at outdoor events during which people cannot maintain a distance of at least 1.5 meters from others. However, the upper limit of 500 participants in public events may be exceeded as of June 15 under certain circumstances, the ministry announced.

If the area can be divided into more sectors, for example at sports arenas, up to 2,500 people may take part in the event. But the participants cannot move from one sector to another and they must keep the set minimum distance from people who are not from their own household.

Epidemiologist Rastislav Madar, who heads the working group for the loosening of quarantine measures, said people cannot eat or drink in the screening area of cinemas and theatres as the minimum two-meter distance does not have to be respected and so face masks are required.

Also as of Monday, food may be sold at marketplaces, and restaurants may offer food in the form of a cold buffet. Swimming pools may open attractions with flowing water while wellness centers may reopen steam saunas.

On Friday, the Czech Ministry of Health also published a new “traffic light map”, detailing countries that Czech residents can safely travel to and from without needing to undergo testing or quarantine.

Minister Vojtech Tweeted: “We have updated the so-called traffic light, which determines the rules for returning to the Czech Republic. In most countries, the risk of infection is low. Czechs from June 15 will have to prove by a negative test only upon arrival from Portugal, Sweden, and the Silesian region on the Polish side of the border.

To see the newly updated map, which indicates a list of European countries by disease risk level, visit the Ministry of Health website.

For more important news about the coronavirus situation in the Czech Republic, see our daily coronavirus update here.

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