Mindful Touch Therapy  with Willi Rös

Mindful Touch Therapy with Willi Rös

Radlická 2487/99, Praha 5, 15000

5.0 Reviewed by 2 users
Mindful Touch Therapy, is a personalised, non-directing method in which the masseur accompanies the clients with empathy and non-manipulative techniques in order to bring them into harmony with their body and inner authentic self.
Find a video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4yPACwijfg

My specialty is Sensitive Art Massage, a method which I developed through my work with myself, groups of people, or clients. It is based on the principles of Person Centered Approach and it combines the following basic elements:
Sensitive: It pays attention to the former experience and approaches with empathy any need of the client. The therapist gently accompanies the procedure of getting in touch with the emotions.
Artistic: Like an artist who listens to the music and improvises, the masseur listens to the needs of each body and adapts to it. He tries to find the genuine form of the body and to give to the client the opportunity to let the body come back to that form (Gestalt).
Massage: The procedure may seem like the common massages, because there is use of a massage table, physical contact, touching, working with hands and sometimes use of massage oil.

The method is based on PCA principles such as non-directing or pushing, accompanying intuitively, being open to the clients and trusting them. The person is treated as a unit and the body-mind connection is crucial for the procedure. The masseur tries to act as a facilitator or a medium of communication between the body and the inner self of the client in order to achieve a pleasant and holistic experience. It aims to a more direct and unfiltered way of listening, as it is less intellectual and it pays attention to emotional and physical expression without being obliged to put anything into words. The client reestablishes contact with themselves by listening to their body, being open to vulnerability and being fully present to their whole being and existence. More specifically, there are inscribed experiences in one’s body that have been gradually accumulated during life. The socially shaped body which is defined from social expectations, norms, roles, behaviors and boundaries, finds space to recover, release and deploy itself. During the session, these embodied memories are encountered through physical contact and arise in a more conscious way. The body reacts as the awareness is awaken and the client tries to stay in contact with anything that was released through the procedure. The masseur aims to bring the client in harmony with his body and inner authentic self.

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great experience

Reviewed by Weronika Usarek 11.01.2016
I can recommend with no doubts. To be a good PCA therapist one needs talent and experience and Willi Roes has plenty of both of them. It also requires certain qualities of personality such as: being a very developed, authentic, emphatic, and trustworthy person. Willi again has them all. I felt it almost from the beginning. I felt safety and acceptance. And then... the frame is established, the rules made clear and you are offered so many... read more

highly recommended

Reviewed by Tommaso Cappelli 08.01.2016
Will is a high professional therapist with lot of experience and human touch who can lead you to find your own way trough Person Center Approach. Highly recommended