Two Czech cities ranked among Europe's best for remote workers

Olomouc and Plzeň, but not Prague, have been ranked among Europe's top 10 cities for remote workers by electronics company Brother UK. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 14.01.2024 12:04:00 (updated on 15.01.2024) Reading time: 2 minutes

Two Czech cities have carved out a prominent place among Europe's best destinations for remote workers according to a new index. Perhaps surprisingly, Prague didn't make the cut while nearby Plzeň came in at number nine and Olomouc in Moravia ranked all the way up at number two.

The remote worker index comes from electronics company Brother UK, and it examines factors such as internet speed, apartment costs, electricity expenses, safety, and the overall cost of living. Overall, Luxembourg City took the top spot among Europe's best cities for remote workers.

Olomouc, located in the heart of the Moravia, secured the second spot with an overall score of 64.27. Known for its affordability, Olomouc offers a cost-effective lifestyle, with a one-bedroom apartment outside the city center costing only £350.25 (around CZK 10,000) and monthly internet expenses totaling £15.56 (about CZK 450) according to the index.

The Moravian city also scored well in the Quality of Life (163.6), Safety (73.4), and Happiness (6.85) sub-indices, making it an attractive destination for remote workers seeking a balance between work and lifestyle.

The study highlights the Czech Republic's prominence in providing favorable conditions for remote work, with Olomouc ranking second and Plzeň coming in at number nine. Plzeň, with its blend of affordability and quality of life, adds to the appeal of Czech cities as top choices for remote professionals.

As remote work continues to become an increasingly attractive option throughout the European Union, these findings position Czech cities as thriving hubs offering not only economic advantages but also a high quality of life—a winning combination for remote workers seeking an ideal work-life balance.

Beyond the Czech locales, a number of Dutch cities also rated in the top ten, with Rotterdam (3), Utrecht (6), and Eindhoven (8) all scoring high under the index's rating system that focused on cost and quality of living.


Overall, Luxembourg City emerged as the leading European locale for remote work, scoring an impressive 68/100 on the Remote Worker Index. The city boasts not only a high remote working suitability score but also scored high in quality of life, healthcare, and happiness indices.

  • 1.Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
  • 2.Olomouc, Czech Republic
  • 3.Rotterdam, Netherlands
  • 4.Aalborg, Denmark
  • 5.Reykjavik, Iceland
  • 6.Utrecht, Netherlands
  • 7.Arhus, Denmark
  • 8.Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • 9.Plzeň, Czech Republic
  • 10.Oradea, Romania

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