Tell us: Share your best advice for expat parents with kids in Czech schools

As the new school year approaches, we'd like to hear your tips for sending your children to Czech school. Staff

Written by Staff Published on 24.08.2022 16:20:00 (updated on 24.08.2022) Reading time: 1 minute

Data from META, an advocacy organization that supports the integration of foreigners into Czech public schools, shows that in 2020, there were approximately 6,000 foreign nationals enrolled in kindergartens, 25,000 in Czech elementary schools, and 9,000 in high school.

These numbers, however, don't include Czech citizens with foreign parents, meaning no one knows how many people, students or parents, need language support. While the language barrier is one among many challenges for those expat with children enrolled in Czech schools, there are plenty of others: homework, communication with teachers, and that neverending list of required apparel that seems to grow every year.

Fewer than the originally estimated 130,000 refugee children from Ukraine will start attending Czech schools in September. Schools are to provide more exact figures at the end of August. According to the ministry data from late June, some 39,000 Ukrainian children have come to schools in the Czech Republic.

Add Covid chaos to the classroom and remote learning to the mix and these minor concerns become substantial worries faced just not by foreign parents but families in Czechia across the board. On the bright side, the new government is currently discussing a number of education reforms that would broaden inclusivity and approaches to pedagogy in the Czech classroom.

What do you think? As the new school year begins tell us your best advice for parents with kids in Czech schools. Is there a particular resource that's a particular help with homework? Have you discovered a great way to communicate with teachers and other parents? How do you cope in the face of the language barrier? What have you done to increase the feeling that you are part of the school community?

Share your feedback in our poll to be included in an upcoming article.

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