New police data has revealed the neighborhoods in the Czech capital where the most crimes are committed—plus take a look at an interactive crime map of Czechia
Written Staff, Jason PirodskyPublished on 16.10.2017 08:14:20(updated on 16.10.2017)
Reading time: 2 minutes
Crime statistics compiled by the Prague police have revealed which districts of the Czech capital are the biggest hotbeds of criminal activity according to most offenses committed in a given district during the month of June 2017 (which reflects the most complete set of statistics to date). So where should you watch your back—not to mention your car, wallet, or handbag? (h/t Nas Region)
This Old Town district, typically packed with tourists wandering its charming historic streets, currently ranks highest on Prague’s crime index with 489 offenses reported in June alone and a total of 3,179 offenses for the year. Car theft (134), physical attacks (77 cases), and drug deals or possession (36) were the most regularly reported criminal activity.
One of the grittier parts of Prague, with its notoriously dilapidated train station, it’s no surprise police have registered 415 crimes here in June 2017 and 2,778 crimes annually. Car theft (254 cases) was the most frequent offense while the second was public drunkenness and disorderly conduct (91 cases), while 86 cases of production, possession, or distribution of drugs were recorded.
This shadowy back alley behind the Kotva department store saw 396 crimes reported in June and 2,798. for the year. The biggest problem was car theft (116), followed by physical attacks (88), and drug busts (38).
Malá Strana
Another Prague tourist area with a dark side, the Lesser Town police registered 185 monthly crimes here in June 2017. Annually there were 988 offenses total. Physical attacks (22) were most common; 16 cases of burglary and breaks in were also reported as well as 15 cases of car theft.
In June, 151 crimes were reported in, Holešovice, an area frequently elected as Prague’s trendiest, with a total of 960 for the year. The most common offense was the manufacture, distribution, and possession of drugs (68), while 50 cases of car theft and 43 physical attacks were also committed.
TIP: For a complete overview of the crime index for Prague and the Czech Republic, see the Mapa Kriminality on-line project, which has compiled an English-friendly crime index viewable in a number of interactive formats including a map interface.
The initiative was created by Pro Police / Open Society with an aim to “Make crime data available and understandable to anybody who is interested” and clarify the complicated and user-unfriendly tables released by the police.