Number of confirmed Czech coronavirus patients hits 214, rising by 25 overnight

The Czech Republic Czechia had confirmed 214 cases of coronavirus by 6:15 a.m. today


Written by ČTK Published on 15.03.2020 10:21:02 (updated on 15.03.2020) Reading time: 1 minute

Prague, March 15 (CTK) – Czechia had 214 cases of new coronavirus by 06:15 today, their number rose by 25 overnight, and a total of 39 new cases appeared on Saturday, which is the record highest daily increase so far, the Health Ministry said.

More than 4,000 people have been tested so far.

Two thirds of the patients got infected abroad and one third in the Czech Republic.

Among the foreign countries where Czechs contracted the disease, Italy prevails (74.5 percent), followed by Austria (12.7 percent).

Most of the Czech coronavirus patients are in the age category between 25 and 54. The number of infected seniors over 65 is higher than the number of infected children.

The first three cases of new coronavirus appeared in Czechia on March. Their number started rising increasingly on Tuesday, March 10, when 25 new cases appeared. On Wednesday, there were 31 new cases, on Thursday 22 and on Friday 25.

On Thursday, the government declared a 30-day state of emergency over the epidemic, with cultural and sports events being cancelled. As of this morning, shops, with some exceptions such as food stores and pharmacies, have remained closed as have all restaurants and bars. Some of them have offered food delivery to people’s home.

As of Monday, foreigners will be banned from entering the Czech Republic, with some exceptions, and Czechs will be banned from leaving the country.

A Czech national is among the new five coronavirus cases reported by Vietnam on Saturday, being the first Czech to test positive for the disease abroad.

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