Long-neglected buildings at Prague 3 transit hub to get a major makeover

A row of Soviet-era panel houses and shops at Olšanské náměstí will undergo extensive renovations through the middle of next year.

Expats.cz Staff

Written by Expats.cz Staff Published on 12.06.2022 15:08:00 (updated on 12.06.2022) Reading time: 2 minutes

Reconstruction of a block of buildings on Prague's Táboritská street, adjacent to the Olšanské náměstí tram and bus stop, is currently underway, according to Prague 3 spokesperson David Šebek.

Work on the long-neglected buildings, which date back to the Soviet era, will continue through the middle of next year and run 266 million crowns, making it one of the largest renovation projects in Prague's Žižkov neighborhood in recent years.

The renovations will include necessary repairs to the roofing and other structural areas of the buildings, replacement of windows and railings, and other changes to the street-facing facades of the premises.

The street-level shops and restaurants Olšanské náměstí will get a complete makeover, with a unified design stretching across the block. Pedestrian passages through the block to nearby Sudoměřská and Baranova streets will also be widened.

"The repair will extend the life of the houses, improve their thermal insulation properties, and modernize their appearance," Prague 3 councilor Jan Materna states in a press release.

The project will not only improve the area for locals, but also those who travel through the area. The Olšanské náměstí transit stop is one of the busiest in the district, while Hotel Olšanka across the street is the largest hotel in Žižkov.

Buildings at Olšanské náměstí. Visualization: Facebook / Michal Vronský
Buildings at Olšanské náměstí. Visualization: Facebook / Michal Vronský

"The reconstructed houses essentially form an important public space in Prague," adds Prague 3 Mayor Jiří Ptáček.

"It is one of the natural centers of the Prague 3 district, where thousands of people flow through every day."

According to Iva Vojtková, a mayoral candidate for Prague 3, renovations to the Olšanské náměstí area were sorely needed.

"I walk around almost daily and the condition of this complex has been deplorable for a long time," says Vojtková.

"The new face will make everyone happy and not only benefit the people who live there, but also everyone else. The new architectural design will hopefully improve the visual connection to the historic buildings of Žižkov."

Work on the block of houses at Olšanské náměstí is currently underway, and expected to be completed by mid-2022.

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